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November 20, 2010

"We Didn't" - Dybeck

Please post on Dybeck's unique short story. What makes this a love story? You can interpret this question in any way you choose - or you can respond to another's post. But make sure your reply is at least 100 words, grammatically correct, intelligent, and original.

You need to post Sunday (11/20) by midnight. Late posts will not be counted.

I look forward to your insights.
Posted by      Kevin P. at 10:14 PM EST


  Maciej D.  says:
"We Didnt" by Dybeck is a love story because at first it describes very vividly the two characters sexual lives and the details that were in this story were well quite visual to say the least. Anything less than the amount of stimulating detail that the author put into the story than it would have been boring or at the least quite dull. They had sex all over the place which is the same old blah blah story about two people in love. Dybeck however going into the intricate detail made this soo juicy that even in the first paragraph one could pull thier eyes away from what is being described and said. However as soon as the couple finds a dead body floating in the ocean very close to their scene of intimacy the girl suddenly shuts down and even though the boy tries to help her get through this she cannot because the girl sees this dead person everywhere including her dreams.
Posted on Sat, 20 Nov 2010 11:47 PM EST by Maciej D.
  Christina C.  says:
"We didn't" by Dybeck is a love story because it has a boy and a girl, and a conflict. The story starts off with the boy and the girl on the beach fooling around about to have sex when a dead body floats up. This really had an impact on the girl because the dead body was a women who was pregnant. And right before they were about to have sex the girl said she was afraid of getting pregnant. This stuck with the girl the whole story. She was afraid to get close with the boy again. She would not let the boy have sex with her and this just started fights. All they did not is fight. In the end, they end up breaking up.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:27 AM EST by Christina C.
  Thomas M.  says:
This is not a very normal love story. "We Didn't" is a story about a boy and a girl who never have sex anywhere. They happen to see a dead women wash up on shore and this really takes a tole on the young woman. From that point on there relationship begins to decline and all the girl can think of is the woman that died and the baby inside her. The whole time in the story though the guy is more concerned with banging her then he is with the emotional distress that she is going through from this situation. This story I feel like besides the part of boy and girl being together then falling apart not really a love story. I think that it is more a story of lust.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:27 AM EST by Thomas M.
  Robert C.  says:
The love in this short story by Dybek is Gin's love of the drowned baby and her mother. Gin who is with her boy friend on the beach near where the body of the young women and her unborn child were pulled from the water. The thought of the lost life left Gin scared and fascinated. her love for this unknown women and her unborn child destroyed the love between her and her boy friend. Gin's frequent dreams of the child and mother are evidence that she is constantly thinking about the child and wishing for it to have had a better life, like that of an angel. she dreams the the drowned baby is like an angel or Cupid. Cupid is a symbol of love and in the dream cupid must have fired his arrow at her and so now instead of her boy friend she is in love with the baby.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 12:24 PM EST by Robert C.
  Jessica G.  says:
The short story by Dybek was a love story with two lovers, loving something different. The love the boyfriend had for Gin and the love Gin for her life. The love the narrator had for Gin was evident in the end of the story when he wanted all the arguing to stop and for them to be the way they were before the night at the beach, "I remember thinking that I didn't want to argue with you anymore" (446). The love that Gin had for her life, after seeing the dead mother and baby can be seen. Gin was constantly having dreams that she was just as dead as they were, "then I see the baby down there flying too, and realize it's the kid everyone thinks has drowned but he's no more drowned than I am' (445).
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 2:33 PM EST by Jessica G.
  Christian N.  says:
The short story "We didn't" by Dybeck is a love story about two lovers. Gin and her boyfriend were fooling around on the beach getting ready to get it on. Before they start Gin said to the boy that she is afraid of getting pregnant, after she says that the body of a dead pregnant women floats up and Gin becomes petrified for life. The situation destroyed any relationship Gin and the boy had. She was to scared to let the boy get close to her again, and she never wanted to have sex again. The boy just wanted to have sex and was not concerned with her emotional distress. So this is a love story, just an unusual one.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 3:45 PM EST by Christian N.
  Sarah M.  says:
The short story "We didn't" by Dybeck. Is a love story about Gin and her boyfriend. It also shows the the love that Gin has for the mother that drowed and her unborn baby You can Gin and her boyfriend tdid love each other very much from the beginning. I belive they still did at the end. After the women dieing i think Gin took that as a bad omen. After that she didnt feel comfortable having sex with her boyfried. Everytime they were fooling around she would think of the dead woman and her unborn baby. I think that what made there love grow further apart. That why they ended up breaking up
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 4:20 PM EST by Sarah M.
  Peter S.  says:
This is an odd love story. It seems to be about a boys love for lust. Obviously the girl he is trying to mount is significant to him and a very good friend but, until the end, the story focuses on the sexual relationship that they have. The two characters are young and maturing in many ways. While the boy, as all young boys are, is focused on sex, the girl (Gin) is more focused on herself. This is because with sex comes consequences that directly affect the woman. It is understandable at her age that as exciting as it may sound the consequences scare her. This story speaks to a moral necessity for love during sexual encounters. It also points out the fact that maturity ought to mean more than just sexual ability it ought to mean responsibility.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 4:57 PM EST by Peter S.
  David s.  says:
"We Didn't", by Dybek is a love story because it started as two lovers who was sexually inseperable. Until a dead pregnant women body was discovered just feets away from them, while they were having sex at the beach. This was the turning point in Gin's life and their relationship. She was haunted by the women and her baby every single day. Gin have let her fear changed her life and relationship. The boyfriend, all he wanted was to have sex with her and Gin was emotionally distress to do anything with him. He really didn't try to help her during this hard time of her life. I think if he had help her overcome her fear and emotional distress, this story would of have a happy ever after ending "I'd been so intent on becoming lovers that I'd overlooked how close we'd been as friends" (pg 447).
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 6:58 PM EST by David s.
  Dashka D.  says:
The romance that exists between the two characters describe the story as a love short one. At the beginning the two characters have an inseperable relationship as they looking forward to their first intimacy. But unfortunatley their big day got interrupted by a dead pregnant women. Here troubles had started. Since then the girl is carrying on a fear that imprisoned her life from taking one step forward and have sex with her boyfriend. She is emaotionally scared, terribly afflicted by a such tragedy. Her desire of having sex had just shutt off. She had become more mature , compare to the boy who was so obsessed to have sex with her. She is thinking more with her brain than her heart as she realises that sex come with responsibilities. Eventhough the boy tried to help her overcome the fear, it wasn't enough and badly they had breaking up.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 8:32 PM EST by Dashka D.
  Stephen W.  says:
"We didn't" becomes a love story based on the sexual encounters of our main characters. The author is primarily concerned with giving the reader loads of information about their sex life. Their love was expressed through sex and it is this reason why I think they broke up when Gin was unable to preform anymore. As Sarah said I can also see that Gin shows love towards the dead mom. It was the love of woman that turned her against having sex with her boyfriend because with the arrival of the dead body Gin was reminded of her responsibility to any decision she makes that would end in here bringing a life into this world
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 8:47 PM EST by Stephen W.
  Benson L.  says:
The story ?we didn't? can be considered a love story, because it is a story that is being narrated through the narrator's whose recalling of a past love experience with his girlfriend. As the narrator reminisce with his girlfriend Jin, we are placed in Jin's position as the listener. The narrator goes back to a summer where the love story took place, and describe things that didn't happen between him and the listener, Jin. As they interacted that past summer, they never got to the point of sexual intercourse, which I think the title ?We Didn't? derives from.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 8:54 PM EST by Benson L.
  Joan O.  says:
The short story by Dybek, ?we didn?t? is an obvious love story at first glance because of the detailed description of the couple?s intimate experiences with one another. As expected of a love story, Dybek presents a boy and girl who meet and go through the motions of being infatuated by the desires they harbor for each other , but just as their love is blossoming, an unexpected obstacle sets in that tests the depth of their love . The essence in any love story is usually depicted in how the lovers overcome these obstacles and whether or not their love is strong enough to survive it. In this particular story, an outsider intrudes the couple?s lives and interrupts their romantic relationship, as opposed to the normal occurrence of having the families of either party being the main hindrance to their relationship. By including this twist to the story, Dybek spices up the love story , making it more interesting to the reader.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 8:55 PM EST by Joan O.
  Matthew R.  says:
?We Didn?t? by Dybek is a love story because from the beginning to end it describes in great detail, the lust, feelings and issues of the relationship. The two lovers spend the beginning of the story on a beach and the author goes into great detail describing their sexual experience. The passion that is portrayed proves that this is a love story. When the two begin to argue constantly, it reminds me of any love story or any love situation - Any relationship really. The male is attempting to console the female and stop her from getting so caught up in the drama of seeing the dead body and it being so close to where they were having sex. However, Gin cannot see past the dead woman and her baby and she becomes obsessed.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:07 PM EST by Matthew R.
  Sebastian O.  says:
This short story by Dybek is a love story because the reader gets to feel the emotions that the two main characters have towards one another. These emotions seem to be just physical but near the end it is clear that the main character feels saddened because of what happened at the beach and nothing would be the same again. Dybek uses great imagery near the end when he describes the main character riding train and it lets the reader experience the sadness that he is feeling and also the sad reality that "it" usually never works the first time.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:53 PM EST by Sebastian O.
  Elizabeth L.  says:
This is a love story because the story revolves around the idea of "sex". The couple feels that they are ready to take their love to the next level by making love. However, we find out that the girl is not ready as she thought she was. Perhaps she was using the "pregnant dead woman" as an excuse to expose her true feelings, that she wasn't ready. At first, we can sense her nervousness when she said ?I?m afraid of getting pregnant?. If the woman they encountered wasn't pregnant, I feel that Gin wouldn't have had the same affect. But since the dead woman was pregnant, it was a constant reminder that she too herself could be responsible for another life. This event changed her mind about sex. She realized that she wasn't willing to take the risks, therefore she wasn't as in love with the narrator as she thought she was. Ironically, their break up shows the true love the narrator has for Gin. At first, he just constantly talks about sex, not the fact that he was in love with her. But the break up revealed otherwise. He admitted that he was lovesick. The emotional breakdown exhibited by the narrator showed that it was more than just sex.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 9:56 PM EST by Elizabeth L.
  Nick R.  says:
In the story "We Didn't", there are two reasons why this is considered a love story. First of all, this is a story about a man and woman's passion for sex. Sex is one of the more important aspects of love. Also, this is a story about a real life relationship. How a man and a woman have so much love between them yet find them selves getting into small arguments. They are able to overcome these small fights because of there passion towards each other. When the girl sees the drowned woman. She is frightened and is upset at the man because he makes a small joke about the drowned women. I believe that at this point, they realize how lucky they are and respect themselves that much more.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:14 PM EST by Nick R.
  Rebecca M.  says:
"We Didn't" is a love story, in the fact that, it is about the two young lovers passion and lust for each other although it is never consummated. Sex is an important part in a relationship and where there was the unfortunate coincidence at the time she was ready to have sex, she was then turned off from sex with him all together. He tries to ease her through this awful incident, however, she becomes obsessed. It is a love story because he still loves and wants her although it is not reciprocated fully. The unconditional passion he still has for her regardless of her current feelings and obsessive behavior, is what truly makes this a love story.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:27 PM EST by Rebecca M.
  Benjamin N.  says:
The short story ?We Didn?t? by Dybeck is not a love story in the traditional sense where there is a fairy tale ending. The dead body floating up the beach completely killed the chance for any real love to take place. Which makes it a lose-lose situation because now Gin is scared for life, and her boyfriend is also left unsatisfied. It?s hard to call it a love story when no one in the story is receiving any immediate love, but Gin had a life experience that may affect the way she loves in the future. The incident diffidently affected Gin enough to where it?s going to stick with her the rest of her life. Gin was thinking about getting pregnant before hand, and now she will constantly having the dead body memory associated with pregnancy. Pregnancy is supposed to be a joyous experience, not one associated with morbid-ness. This detail makes it hard to see the story as a love story in the traditional sense.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:44 PM EST by Benjamin N.
  Elizabeth R.  says:
Dybeck's story, "We Didn't", is a love story because the two main characters perceived that they were in love with each other, at least for the summer in which the story takes place. While their love may have been neither lasting nor profound, it was real to them. I believe that, especially when you are young, the idea that you are in love is enough to make it true. Before their love is tested it is easy for the characters to become preoccupied with sex, making the all too common mistake of confusing sex with love. When what should have been their first time is disrupted by the discovery of the body of a dead pregnant woman, the trauma of the night proves to be too much for their young relationship. Their differing reactions to the event show clear signs of weakness in the relationship when Gin cannot let go of the drowned woman, while her boyfriend is ready to write off the encounter and get back to where they left off. Eventually the amount of conflict between the two characters leads to their separation, however it is this breakup that provides the clearest evidence of the love story. The level of emotion and the depth of the reflection of the narrator in telling this story could only mean that his love for Gin was real, even if it was not mature enough to overcome horrible experience they shared.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:46 PM EST by Elizabeth R.
  David B.  says:
The short story "We Didn't" by Dybek, is not much of a love story. The story begins with the narrator's vivid detail making the reader believe that these two characters are in love. However, as we continue to read we notice that the relationship falls apart, ever since the girl saw the dead body wash up on shore. The girl can not get the dead body out of her mind, causing her to think differently or put her in a different state of mind. During this the boy is still after sex and not realizing the hardship she is facing. This is why I believe the story is more about lust then it is about love.
Posted on Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:52 PM EST by David B.
  mario p.  says:
In this story "We Didn't", I believe love consist of many elements such as physical, emotional, and more. These two characters appear to show their physical love for one another, but that's about it. To keep love going it takes more than just good looks, you have to be understanding toward those other needs. This girl is disturbed about that dead girl on the beach and can't help but express her feelings about that day. The boy doesn't really understand how it's a big deal and wants her to let it go. If he cared or showed interest about how she felt and talked about it, I believe this would be a story of two people who love each other.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:14 AM EST by mario p.
  Esther I.  says:
"We Didn't" is a love story because, it tells us about two young lovers who are so intimate to each other. The narrator describes how they would make out in all different places and all this places meant something to him. They are young and I might assume this is their first love, since they are shy to do some things together but they really love each other. Their love comes to a stand still when a dead woman is found on the beach and Gin starts having nightmares. Although they start having some problems which there daily arguing they still love each other and get lovesick when not together.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:21 AM EST by Esther I.
  Raffaella C.  says:
In We Didn't a short story by Stuart Dybek, what was suppose to be a love story turns out not be one under my impression, since every love story tends to focus either on the spring of a relationship. And in this case it turns out that the fear the girl developed makes her undermine her ambitions, cripple her creativity, forcing her to resign from her life, from her love. While the boy himself cannot understand or see what is going on since he is focused on his own needs. So both characters are going in opposite ways, with opposite needs and desires and I don't see that as being love. Love in the other hand unites two needs into one. So i will have to say that lust as mentioned before is the best interpretation for this story. Which can easily being seeing as a type of love I would suppose.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:26 AM EST by Raffaella C.
  Scott W.  says:
The story "We Didn't" may be considered a love story simply because a tragic event between the two main characters causes their relationship to fall apart. After reading the story through, the reader understands that the title of the story suggests that the couple never went all the way together. The story most describes how they came so close to doing it together, but that the event experienced that evening at the beach had permanently interrupted their chances of getting fully intimate with each other. The reader gathers from the story that the man loves Gin, but that she is just so caught up on what had happened when they got so close to losing their virginity, she can no longer act the same about intimacy. The fact that this is a love story is established by the tragic element seen in this story which comes between two lovers.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 1:21 AM EST by Scott W.
  Jalissa T.  says:
The story "We Didn't" is considered a love story. Love consist of different feelings and emotions. Also the physical aspect as well. This story describes the two main characters love life but mostly focuses on the physical part of it. The boy is mainly focused on the sex part of their relationship, while Gin is dramatized by the vision of the dead girl. When reveals that she is not ready to have sex and leaves her boyfriend without the experience. The dead girl messes up the chance of them having sex. This story is different from most love stories. Usually the conflict developes because of family issues.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 8:59 AM EST by Jalissa T.
  mary k.  says:
This story is a love story because it is based upon the main characters? first experience. The way that the story is told is very realistic when it comes to a couples? first time. In most cases people are nervous and clumsy. Another aspect that makes this a love story is that the main characters never ended up sleeping together, however we know that they loved each other. Also, there was building tension, especially after Gin became obsessed with talking about the dead woman. I feel that this creates conflict, which is needed in every love story. In this case the conflict was that every time, they were about to have sex, Gin would brining up the woman, and this topic kept getting in the way of their romantic moment together.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:11 AM EST by mary k.
  Junior V.  says:
In the story ,"We Didn't", by Dybek is truly , without a doubt a love story. Just by the way Dybek puts so much effort on working on every part f the detail on how the couples relationship was. It was so clear for all of the readers that I bet I wasn't the only one able to picture that moment in our heads so clearly without any trouble. Also love stories is not always full of joy and easy crusing. No!!. Sometimes love has to be proven by a test on how their limit of love takes them , and how they dealt with obstacles that came too them. Apparently Dybek added a twist on what the obstacle was with the dead body and all , but how they dealt with drama and how the guy would try and calm the girl if anything startled her. It's without a doubt a love story no questions about it.
Posted on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 1:33 AM EST by Junior V.
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