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November 24, 2010

Miranda July

After reading July's story, find a moment where the medium and the message work well together. Think about the example we used in class on Monday where Dybeck's rambling paragraph perfectly captures the boy's sexual longing. Can you find another passage - long or short - where the style and form of July's writing compliments its meaning? In other words, where is there a passage where the structure of the words imitate and reinforce what the words mean?

There is no right answer to this question, so feel free to intrepret this in any way you like. Just explain your choice.

ADDENDUM: instead of Wednesday, please have this written by Sunday at midnight over the holiday break.
Posted by      Kevin P. at 5:55 AM EST
displaying most recent comments (20 ommitted) | Comments (23)
  Raffaella Cintra  says:
I agree with the passage Matthew posted since the word choice gave hints of how the narrator would have a low level of intimacy towards others which i believe was due to what was stated in the beginning of the passage "when she was eleven her uncle tried to molest her" (455).its a strong passage and through the rest of the story it is just proved that she did have a problem with intimacy.
Posted on Mon, 29 Nov 2010 12:21 AM EST by Raffaella C.
  Jalissa Thomas  says:
The passage "We were anxious to begin our life as people who had no people," stood out to me the most. The two characters were people who were leaving there lives behind. They left everything they once knew and owned and walked away from it. Although they had some understanding of what they wanted to do, it showed that these two characters are see things through tunnel vision, they are just thinking straight ahead and dont have any pheriphal vision because they left without really thinking about the consequences of what can happen, and not knowing if they could survive or would have to come back to their homes that they just walked away from.
Posted on Mon, 29 Nov 2010 8:54 AM EST by Jalissa T.
  Robert Cucchiara  says:
The story "something that needs nothing" by Miranda July, seems to deal a lot with immaturity. the narrator, Gwen is very insecure and at times does not seem to be mature enough to go out in the world. the passage that captures this the best is on page 463 in which Gwen just spews every bad word she can think of in one sentence. this is a point in this story where we see her childishness come out. If she had just said that to each man who came to the phone she would be out of a job quickly.
Posted on Mon, 29 Nov 2010 10:55 PM EST by Robert C.

November 21, 2010


Posted by      Nick R. at 11:12 PM EST

November 20, 2010

"We Didn't" - Dybeck

Please post on Dybeck's unique short story. What makes this a love story? You can interpret this question in any way you choose - or you can respond to another's post. But make sure your reply is at least 100 words, grammatically correct, intelligent, and original.

You need to post Sunday (11/20) by midnight. Late posts will not be counted.

I look forward to your insights.
Posted by      Kevin P. at 10:14 PM EST
displaying most recent comments (25 ommitted) | Comments (28)
  Jalissa Thomas  says:
The story "We Didn't" is considered a love story. Love consist of different feelings and emotions. Also the physical aspect as well. This story describes the two main characters love life but mostly focuses on the physical part of it. The boy is mainly focused on the sex part of their relationship, while Gin is dramatized by the vision of the dead girl. When reveals that she is not ready to have sex and leaves her boyfriend without the experience. The dead girl messes up the chance of them having sex. This story is different from most love stories. Usually the conflict developes because of family issues.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 8:59 AM EST by Jalissa T.
  mary kariuki  says:
This story is a love story because it is based upon the main characters? first experience. The way that the story is told is very realistic when it comes to a couples? first time. In most cases people are nervous and clumsy. Another aspect that makes this a love story is that the main characters never ended up sleeping together, however we know that they loved each other. Also, there was building tension, especially after Gin became obsessed with talking about the dead woman. I feel that this creates conflict, which is needed in every love story. In this case the conflict was that every time, they were about to have sex, Gin would brining up the woman, and this topic kept getting in the way of their romantic moment together.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:11 AM EST by mary k.
  Junior Veras  says:
In the story ,"We Didn't", by Dybek is truly , without a doubt a love story. Just by the way Dybek puts so much effort on working on every part f the detail on how the couples relationship was. It was so clear for all of the readers that I bet I wasn't the only one able to picture that moment in our heads so clearly without any trouble. Also love stories is not always full of joy and easy crusing. No!!. Sometimes love has to be proven by a test on how their limit of love takes them , and how they dealt with obstacles that came too them. Apparently Dybek added a twist on what the obstacle was with the dead body and all , but how they dealt with drama and how the guy would try and calm the girl if anything startled her. It's without a doubt a love story no questions about it.
Posted on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 1:33 AM EST by Junior V.

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