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September 19, 2010


For Monday's class, please comment briefly on the Chekhov story "The Lady with the Little Dog." For example, why the title? Why describe her in terms of having a dog? What do you think of a story that begins as an affair and tries to transform into love? Do you believe it? What do you make of the main character - does he have any redeeming qualities?

Write at least 50 words of a response to the story. Please do this before class on Monday.
Posted by      Kevin P. at 4:28 AM EDT


  Maciej D.  says:
The title this story more interesting because the reader wants to know who the woman is. The author used a dog possibly because since a dog is known as mans best friend it was probably the best way to
Introduce the character into the story rather than using the old mundane ways why not make it more mystery for the reader to think about and await anxiously. Some affairs do turn into love but putting this into a short story was good because it brought everything to a point instead of any other normal drawn out affair to love stories that are seen in novels. I don't believe it because typically affairs don't turn into love since most people have a conscience and usually wind up spilling their guts to their significant other. He knows woman because he likes being around them since he knows what to say and when to say it any woman would want a man who can read her mind and know when to say something when to simply keep their mouths shut.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:15 AM EDT by Maciej D.
  Christina C.  says:
"The lady with the little dog" I think is an odd title for this story. The dog is not a big part of the story. I do think an affair can turn into love but alot of people get hurt in that. They are both not happy in there lives and with the people they are with. For Anna I think in would be easier for her to get out of her marriage because she does not have any kids. For Gurov it would be harder because of his kids. But he has been cheating on his wife forever. I don't get why people stay in marriage if they are not happy and they are cheating. I really don't think that Gurov has any redeeming quailies. He is an unfaithful guy who has cheated on his wife many of times. But I do really think that he is in love with Anna.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 1:55 PM EDT by Christina C.
  Thomas M.  says:
The title of this story "The Lady with the Little Dog" I think that it is called this because as a little puppy tends to do they will go away sometimes and you cant find them but they always tend to come back. She followed him stayed with him just as a puppy would. It is a weird situation that they are in and I feel like they are in love because of the chase, because of how great the rush of being rebellious is attractive to both of them. I think that, that is what they love more so than they do each other. He is a very creepy man and stalkerish almost. He does not have his mind made up about what he wants when he is with i feel that he gets annoyed with her, but when without her, he needs and longs for her.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 3:41 PM EDT by Thomas M.
  Kelsey S.  says:
I don't know why he named this story "The lady with the Little Dog". the dog is kind of insignificant to the story but maybe it has meaning because dogs are loyal animals and are known for that quality and in this story Gurov is not so loyal to anyone except himself and Anna is not loyal either. So maybe the dog is used in this story as a contrasting character to Gurov and Anna. Maybe Chekhov used this to describe Anna because he wanted to make her seem like a person because often times when people read or hear stories about affairs they often judge and Chekhov might being using the dog to describe Anna to humanize her to the readers. As far as a story starting with an affair and transforming into love i think that it was clever of him to go this route. Often times more then not affairs are used in stories to show how they destroy people and the ones around them but Chekhov uses it to show the other side of the affair, which is that people can actually fall in love and make the affair worth the pain they are causing to others around them. Don't get me wrong though, i do not under any circumstance believe that affairs are okay. However, this story gives light to the the affairs that do on occasion turn into love. Gurov cheated on his wife so many times but when he met Anna he stopped cheating unless it was with Anna and at the end of the story they seem like they are trying to go about being together without hiding it anymore. So i guess what i am saying is that even though i don't believe in affairs i do think that Gurov has some redeeming qualities. For example, like i said before after he met Anna he knew that he he loved her and he didn't cheat on his wife any further after their encounter, unless it was Anna. To me this shows that he can be loyal. Sometimes people just fall out of love and find someone else. I do think he should have come clean to his wife and family he owes them that much but he didn't and now he is going to have to deal with that. He did what he thought was right, nobody's perfect.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 3:46 PM EDT by Kelsey S.
  Sarah M.  says:
I think the title ?The lady with the little dog? is a weird title. What I do think that the dog is the reason why they Anna ,and Gruvo starting talking. The dog was defiantly conversation started for the two of them. Their affair did turn into a love story, but I don?t think it was supposes to. He never been in love expect when he met her. She felt horrible the whole time they were together. I think best way they put it was they were two birds of passage a male and female who have been caught and forced to live in different cages. That true they were forced to live their two separate lives. Even though they were met to be together. I don?t think he started off with good qualities, he was a cheater. That?s a bad quality to have. He would cheat on his wife, and then not even care about it. After he would go home to his family like nothing happen. I do think that Anna did change him. The end he realize how old he was. She wasn?t old at all. She still did love him for him. They were two very unhappy people until they met each other.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 5:00 PM EDT by Sarah M.
  Stephen W.  says:
"The lady with the Little Dog" as a title does not really come through in the story for me. The only thing I can think of is if it is Chekhov is trying to portray Gorov as a dog. A dirty lieing cheating dog! The story starting out as an affair that turns into love was stupid in my opinion. He liked her more than his wife sure, I'll buy that, but love?? No, I don't believe he could love this other women yet disrespect her by staying with his wife. Gorov does not have any redeeming qualities. Sure he acts like he loved Anna but what is to stop him from cheating on her if he get fed up with her? He didn't mind cheating on his wife, so why should Anna be any different?
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 5:01 PM EDT by Stephen W.
  Junior V.  says:
"The lady with the Little Dog" title didn't click right away in my head. Chekhov talked about Anna being more like a shadow. Maybe he used just the simple fact of Anna always being with the dog in which he kept remebering while she was gone.But maybe im wrong. But in terms to describing she had a dog made it seem as instead of Anna being the one who follows Chekhov everywhere made it flip as it was Chekhov was the one that wanted to follow her where ever she was. Like the saying dirty dog , which he was on his actions and thoughts toward woman came back to biting him in the ass. As all that denial of feeling passion an having to care for one woman as many did for him, he now had for Anna. I think that it being a story about and affair thta turns to love is possible but is he in love with the affair and the way they live their secret lives, or is he really willing to love this woman. But think about it he tends to get bored alot an just go out an search for new adventures. So i do believe an i dont because it could happen but then again maybe its just a sugar rush that once it ends it becomes weak an pale.The main character did show some redeeming but how long will that last?
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 5:30 PM EDT by Junior V.
  Scott W.  says:
I really liked this story. The contrast between the beginning of the story and the end is clear and meaningful. Chekhov begins the story by describing Gurov's life as being cold, drab and miserable, living with a wife whom he does not truly love. Gurov had been unfaithful with many women over the years of his marriage which turned him into a bitter, chauvinistic man who thought he could never love someone so inferior to him. Over the month or so that he spent with Anna, Gurov went from being a misogynistic mimbo to a love-struck fool with near-impossible hopes of breaking both his and Anna's marriages in order to be together. After Gurov's stay in Yalta, a clear spark had been ignited in his life and he wasn't going to let true love pass him by.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 6:39 PM EDT by Scott W.
  Peter S.  says:
Referring to Anna as "the lady with the little dog" seems to keep her on an even playing field with any other woman Dmitri find attractive. She is an innocent (the dog is white) young, attractive lady... Every man on the embankment notices. However references to the dog end as soon as the two walk away from dinning in the garden where they first meet. They had both agreed there time in Yalta was boring and after their affair she describes herself as being "beguiled", there is not a more perfect word in the situation. Again the Spitz appears when Dmitri pursues Anna at her house, However the dogs name is forgotten (as is her innocence). He retires back at his hotel and for the last time refers to Anna as "the Lady with the little dog" (just another "lady" according to Dmitri... he is doubting his feelings). The dog nor the reference to Anna as "the lady with the little dog" (or just "lady" for that matter) does not appear again in the story. In conclusion I think the title of the story a wonderful one speaking to the randomness of love, after all we are all just another "lady" until we are found by our lover.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 7:41 PM EDT by Peter S.
  Dashka D.  says:
I think the author choose that title to put emphasis on Anna being alone in Yalta, with the only loyal, honest, trustful friend she could have a dog!! Even though the dog was only mentionned one in the story.Through reading the story , one will clearly understant that both characters Anna and Gurov are not happy in their marriage and it's like they are trying to escape but they really can't find a way yet. These kind of unhealthy marriages can sometime transform an affair into a real love story because they are sharing the same desire, they understand each other's pain. They don't need to do a lot to please each other , they just looking for new adventures. A reedeming quality ? Probably , since he realized that Anna is in love with Him, this old man. I don't think he's interesting on cheating anymore, he's more focus on Anna , on try to find a way for them to be together , like he said at the end of the story "let's talk now , we'll think up something."
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:27 PM EDT by Dashka D.
  Matthew R.  says:
I think that the title is a little weird. The dog seemed to be pretty insignificant to the story. It was only relevant in the beginning when Anna is described as being alone in the city with just her dog. It was definitely a conversation starter between the two. It is a well known fact that people bring dogs to public places to pick up girls/guys. People love pets. We quickly learn that neither of the two characters are happy in their relationships and are looking for a way out. The two sort of find an outlet in one another, a way to experience something exciting again. I am not a fan of anyone who cheats on anyone. If you want to mess around, get out of your current relationship first and then do what you want. No, he has no redeeming qualities because he cheated on his wife. He is a cheater. whats to stop him from cheating in the future?
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:40 PM EDT by Matthew R.
  Jessica G.  says:
I think the title was a clever one. The title allows the reader to believe she is a plain simple woman with a random dog in some city with no major role. In the beginning I was under the impression that the dog had some kind of role. This was clever because it allowed the her development to be done through the eyes of the main character it allowed the reader to see what he saw. It also provided the story with some mystery and made it a page turner. I think it was done in terms of having a dog to symbolize her need for a companion. I think that the story starting in an affair was an interesting plot, and allowed for character development. It allowed us to see Gurov as a man everyone despises with his bitter, jaded opinion of woman to his loving affection for Anna. I think that it is possible and believable for them to be in love because, i think he finally found what love is where as before he was just married to be married. He has redeeming qualities because in the end the way he cared for her and his concern of her crying. He also seems to want to work to make it possible for them to be in love and together where as if she was just another one night stand or silly love affair he would have told her to get lost and moved on to the next available woman he would not have put the effort into finding her and being with her.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:17 PM EDT by Jessica G.
  Esther I.  says:
In the story "The lady with the little dog." I think the author chose this title, to give the readers an urge to read more, and know why he chose this tiltle. He describes Anna as the lady with the little dog. I think the dog is like a companion to Anna since she is not so happy with her marriage, the dog keeps her company in her visit to Yalta. As the story continues Anna gets into an affair with Gurov. I dont believe an affair can transform into love considering that this two people are already married. In one or another they will get hurt, and even destroy their own marriages because of their lustfull actions. I find the main character as a disloyal, and decietfull man to his wife.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:26 PM EDT by Esther I.
  Sebastian O.  says:
The title "The Lady with the Little Dog" gives the reader a clue that this woman is lonely. I think the dog is used as a symbol of one's solitude. Beginning the story with an affair is a great way to show how ?love? can be spontaneous and shallow simultaneously. I do believe that it can happen; I mean just look at the divorce rate and websites that promote affairs (?Life?s short, have an affair? slogan). This is not to say that affairs will end in ?love? but then again, I think it is a question of what ?love? really means to an individual. I think the main character has some redeemable qualities but why get married if you are clearly not in love? The same could be said for Anna.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:37 PM EDT by Sebastian O.
  Sebastian O.  says:
The title "The Lady with the Little Dog" gives the reader a clue that this woman is lonely. I think the dog is used as a symbol of one's solitude. Beginning the story with an affair is a great way to show how "love" can be spontaneous and shallow simultaneously. I do believe that it can happen; I mean just look at the divorce rate and websites that promote affairs ("Life's short, have an affair" slogan). This is not to say that affairs will end in "love" but then again, I think it is a question of what "love" really means to an individual. I think the main character has some redeemable qualities but why get married if you are clearly not in love? The same could be said for Anna.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:41 PM EDT by Sebastian O.
  mario p.  says:
Chekhov chose "The Lady with the Little Dog" for the title to show that the lady, Anna, has a better relationship with her pet than her husband. Anna probably feels that no matter what she does or say, the dog won't judge her or do anything to hurt her, it will just love her. After noticing this woman, Gurov has an affair with her and he starts to fall in love. I believe his emotions are pure, he truly does love her. In the beginning, he just wanted to sleep with her, but after awhile, he couldn't stop thinking about their quality time together, not just in bed. It seems he has been looking for a person like Anna for awhile. Having an affair with every woman and then moving on searching for something more. Gurov is a very shallow and disgusting character because he takes advantage of woman. When he finally finds someone that he truly cares about, all those qualites seem to go away.
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:59 PM EDT by mario p.
  Elizabeth L.  says:
By introducing the character as just "the lady with the little dog", Chekhov provides a mysterious tone to the story. It captures readers by making them wonder who this mysterious woman is. Also, when you first meet a person, the first thing you will always notice is their physical appearance before anything. The woman was first described as "a young woman, not very tall, blond, in a beret, walking along the embankment; behind her ran a white spitz". From this description, the characteristic that projects the most is the dog, since it's another live being, therefore its understandable why Gustov and the town describes her in terms of having a dog. However, this "live being" following her could also be interpreted as a foreshadowing of her and Gustov?s relationship: the fact that she has "another living being with her". "The lady with the little dog" also marks the point where Gustov and Anna?s relationship begins to grow. When Gustov stops referring her simply as "the lady with the little dog" and as Anna Sergeevna instead, it shows that he knows her more on a personal level, whereas the rest of the world still didn't know who she was, just like their affair. It's also very uncommon to look at an affair from the cheaters' point of view. We always view cheating as a sin, a scandal, just the worst; therefore we forget to put ourselves in their shoes before quickly judging their actions. We never really stop to think about the feelings between the cheaters. Sometimes there is more than just a fling, and the two people continue cheating because they begin developing feelings for each other just as the two characters did in this story. Both characters are unhappy in their marriage, but they still don't want to hurt their spouses, therefore they think that their secret affair is the only possible leeway to keep both sides happy.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:32 AM EDT by Elizabeth L.
  Samantha C.  says:
After reading the story, Chekhov may have titled the work as such due to the fact that the main character was changed by this woman and therefore gave her a distinction from the others. The main character went through his life with a family and yet being apart from that family to be unfaithful with other women. From his memory, none of these women seemed to have any distinction between them apart from their nature and that they were just ?women?. This new lady however is labeled with a something different from her ?inferior gender? giving the clue that she is not going to just be another unknown character in passing.
From the story, I found that the love affair turning into love was a good thing for the main character. He just jumped from one person to another thinking he was living his life and found himself realizing he really was not living his life until this lady with the little dog came along. I do not think much of love affairs turning into love; I believe though that it can happen from time to time. I think this happening to Dmitri was good character building and for him to keep going with something that he cares about in a good nature almost redeems his character even though it is done in secret.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 8:53 AM EDT by Samantha C.
  Rebecca M.  says:
I do believe in this story that starts off with an affair and ends up with love because people can't always help who they love. they wqere both unhappy with their marriages and they found someone else who makes them happy. I think it is a twist on a normal love story. I thought it was interesting how the author shows how sometimes good can come from bad. The main character doesn't seem like a good man at first because of all the affairs but he is unhappy and that is how is choosing to deal with his situation. After he meets Anna and they have to part ways he keeps thinking about her even though he has been with other women since her. I find that element of the story is also a twist on the tradtitional love story.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 9:01 AM EDT by Rebecca M.
  Benson L.  says:
"The Lady with The Little Dog" seems to be a relevant title for story. It describes the two main characters of the story, Anna as the lady and Gurov as the dog. Gurov can be described as the dog, because even though he knew Anna was married, he still pursued her. Therefore, they began having an affair, which turned into a love relationship. A story like that may be more common than we think. By reading the story, I got the impression that Anna was not in love with her husband, but she married him because of the curiosity of having new life for herself. Gurov, on the other hand, has a lot of experiences with women, but he has not found a woman, whom he has fully given his heart to. His attitude towards women might seem disrespectful, but he naturally knows how to treat them well.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 9:52 AM EDT by Benson L.
  Joan O.  says:
i think the male character'Gurov' has a thirst for power which he seems to lose in the presence of fellow men and his wife. As a result he tries to make up his own "authority kingdom" so to speak by engaging with the inferior race. I also think that he is somewhat ignorant of the fact that by behaving in such a manner he is falling into the same category as the inferior race as he calls them because he has failed to uphold a state of Self control and Integrity which would be the ultimate shield for any person in power.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:38 AM EDT by Joan O.
  Benjamin N.  says:
The title can be analyzed in many different ways. In one way you could say that Dimitri is the dog because he is fooling around outside of his marriage. Also the lady actually has a dog and that?s how she is first identified, so that could be one reason. I personally don?t think that affairs should transform into love. Maybe in some situations the cheaters are actually meant to be together, but most of the time the affair is special because of what it is. Its sneaky, its exciting, its something new, it?s a break in the monotony of marriage and that?s why people choose to cheat. If your affair turns into love than your losing all the danger and fun.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 7:48 PM EDT by Benjamin N.
  David s.  says:
I think the title of the story "The lady with the Little Dog" means a couple of different meanings. It sort of represent the dog in the beginning of the story of being loyal and always being by Anna side. The author was trying to compare the dog as a man's best friend and always being by their side to Gurov. When he returned back to Moscow all he can think of is Anna. His memories of her followed him every where like a shadow. The title can also mean the little dog is Gurov, for jepordizing his marriage and cheats on his wife. Even though Anna is also a dog herself in the story. The two of them will never have a happy ending and be with each other at the end. They're living double lives trying to figure out how to be with each other in public. They're living in a box when they're together. I think Gurov will end up cheating on Anna and he'll end up going back to his family not for his wife but his kids.
Posted on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 9:29 PM EDT by David s.
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