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August 31, 2010


Welcome to the course blog for the Short Story. Here we will share thoughts and questions about our reading and our discussions. The blog is meant to be a more informal place to test out ideas, push one another's thinking, and get a jump start on paper writing.

To begin with, I would like each of you to post on the question, "What is a short story?" How do you recognize it, how do you know it? What is unique about it relative to other types of writing?

Remember, this is a playful area but one where the rules of logic and grammar apply. You're welcome to post something original or respond to another's post. Please write between 50 to 150 words, and if you like, provide examples of stories you've read.

If you haven't yet, please register for the class so you can post.
Posted by      Kevin P. at 10:08 AM EDT


  Thomas M.  says:
Short stories are stories that well, somewhat explain themselves. They are short. There is usually only one thing going on in them, one plot, one issue, etc. They do not have time for anything else, with a short story it really just gets to the point that you are trying to stress. I would say you should be able to read one in one sitting at the most two. They are typically fun to read and easier to understand because of how quick it is to get threw them. Where as other kinds of writing will take you weeks to read because of its length and description put into it it always has you pulling to keep going. A short story is so quick i feel as though after the beginning of it you know whats coming almost.
Posted on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 10:49 AM EDT by Thomas M.
  Junior V.  says:
I totally agree with what Thomas says short story is pretty much self explanatory. A short story shoud not even last a day to read and, know everything about it. I see short story as being part of a trailer of a movie. It shows the main actors, the theme of the movie and gives you sometimes an idea of how the story would end up. So just from that short clip you already start off knowing more than half of the story. I don't just see a short story just coming from a book or a movie, I can see it come from newspapers, letters , songs,ect. Just like normal sized stories they come with different styles :examples : comedy,action,horror,and like we talked in class about lovy dovy stories.
Posted on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 11:26 AM EDT by Junior V.
  Christian N.  says:
Short stories are stories that captures a moment, and has a narrative purpose. Short stories are usually short in length but they always have a purpose or a main idea their trying to get across. A short story is something that can be read in one sitting, but the lessons you can learn from them can last a lifetime.
Posted on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 12:22 PM EDT by Christian N.
  Samantha C.  says:
A short story explains it self as a story readable within a short period of time. The story is relatively straight forward, usually with a smaller number of characters and events that go on to reach a conclusion. Although it is limited in its length and therefore depth in plot line, it does not mean that the plot is weak or pointless. The great thing about a short story is the fact that it can still entice those who are not prone to reading because it concludes quickly enough before the reader grows bored. And for those who enjoy reading, several stories can be read during the time period at which a regular story?s plot would still be unfolding.
Posted on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 3:07 PM EDT by Samantha C.
  Sarah M.  says:
A short story pretty sum up the whole story in a only a few pages. It like how Junior put it its like a preview to the moive. It shows you everything right away it not drawn out. It is a quick way of reading story, that can still get a point accross in just a few words. Short storys can be about love, can be funny ,or really sad. You know when its a short story when the ending come you don't expecting it.
Posted on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 3:47 PM EDT by Sarah M.
  Rebecca M.  says:
A short story is a quicker moving and more straight forward story opposed to a novel or a longer piece of writing. There is a great deal of information revealed relatively quickly instead of a more drawn out conclusion or plot line that may be present in other writings. I agree with Samantha, in that, simply because it is a short story does not mean a less developed plot or a pointless plot due to the length. Sometimes the amount of content may suffer slightly because there is less opportunities for the author to present the information.
Posted on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 3:58 PM EDT by Rebecca M.
  Alex E.  says:
I've always thought of a short story as merely a story that can be read in one sitting. When I think of the short stories I have read in the past, I notice that they seem to have some common traits, such as minimal character development (there isn't time) and some sort of incident or plot feature that the story revolves around. I had Ethics last semester, and many of the assigned readings were short stories like Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" that had some sort of moral issue or lesson to offer within the minimal plot. Another that comes to mind is Kate Chopin's "The Storm".
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 7:37 AM EDT by Alex E.
  David K.  says:
A short story is a story that goes straight to the point faster than regular stories and normally its finish within a day. Short stories normally consist of a bunch of character, one setting, and one plot. You can recognize a short story from its many common characteristic such as the length of it and the less complexity from regular stories. I would say a short story is more like a story that was told by your grandparent, it has a nice beginning and ending but it?s short an example would be scary stories that was told on your camping trips.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 8:58 AM EDT by David K.
  Peter S.  says:
Short stories are fun. They seem to often be allegorical, and being so short even small details have there own meaning within the bigger picture. I agree that they move quickly through the exposition, rising action... to the conclusion, however, the meanings are sometimes not as clear cut. I usually re-read short stories a number of times before I am satisfied with what I have learned. This is the beauty of short stories. Being so interesting and full of so much you can enjoy them over and over again without using too much time. They are easily dissected due to their length. Short stories also make you think beyond the story in the beginning asking "where did the characters come from?" and leaving you asking "where are the characters going?"
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 10:31 AM EDT by Peter S.
  Joan O.  says:
Short stories in my opinion, are basically summaries of important themes,facts and ideas put across to the readers with an intended objective of presenting moral lessons and teachings in the shortest and memorable way possible. Just as previously noted, the idea is to take out the boredome and suspence from the story. It quickly ties together the characters to the message intended to be put across by the author. One other attribute i like about short stories is that one can get a taste of different writing styles and themes such as love, Faith, legends, and many more all combined in a sinlge book which is really convenient and makes it even more interesting.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 12:39 PM EDT by Joan O.
  Christina C.  says:
A short story is well short. They usually don't take long to read and get the point across very fast. It has a theme, plot, and characters. I like short stories because you don't have time to get bored with them. Sometimes with novels it takes awhile to get into them. If your anything like me and the book doesn't catch your interest within the first couple of chapters then i'm done with it. I think short stories are great because it gets the point across fast.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 2:56 PM EDT by Christina C.
  Vattha K.  says:
Most of the short stories I have read were in anthologies, but there was a College Writing 1 or 2 book that was a series of short stories of the author?s own life. Each short story had their own arcs, but they all shared a similar theme of integration. The length of short stories can limit the extent to which authors can create their worlds, but I don?t think it makes it any less complex to read or write than a regular novel.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 4:38 PM EDT by Vattha K.
  Maciej D.  says:
Short stories are usually a couple pages long although they do contain the usual begging middle and end. They are not made to make the reader think too much about what is going on and the action is taking place because that is what novels are designed to do. Short stories are created to be to the point although this does not mean they can not have elaborate wording to them. A good example of this are some of the edgar allen poe stories because even though they are short the words that are chosen have tons of meaning and are very intellectual. I completely agree with Christina short stories are meant to grab the readers attention quickly and keep him/her entertained because if a short story cannot grasp someones attention then any other reading material has no chance either.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 4:57 PM EDT by Maciej D.
  Elizabeth L.  says:
During middle school and high school, I remember that the readings we completed in our English courses were either readings from actual novels or readings from the ?big? literature textbooks. The ?big? literature textbooks were always a hassle to carry to class, but I always got excited when I heard that we were going to read a story out of it. Why? Because the stories in the ?big? literature textbooks were always much shorter compared to the novels we had to read. We were able to read these stories in one to two class periods, whereas novels prolonged to about a month. Since short stories are more limited in length, everything from the plot to the characters is much simpler and concise. By simpler, I mean there is usually just a single plot or setting. Even the time of the event is shortened and can range from over the course of one week, like in ?Tell Tale Heart? or even over the course of one night like in ?The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 6:22 PM EDT by Elizabeth L.
  Dashka D.  says:
A short story is a short piece of fiction, it's mostly focus your attention in one thing. Short story can be recognized not only by their lengh but also it always start with a situation that will be resolved at the end. It has a small numbers of characters. What I like about short story it that one can easily read it and one sitting.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 8:44 PM EDT by Dashka D.
  Jessica G.  says:
A short story is small piece of fiction, with a captivating plot. Short stories in my experience are easily read in one sitting. The have a beginning middle and end with the narrative hook within the first paragraph. There are usually only a small number or main characters. short stories have a lesson or theme they are trying to get across. they occasionally have some kind of plot twist that keeps them interesting and fast readers, unlike novels that make time some time to read.
Posted on Thu, 2 Sep 2010 9:47 PM EDT by Jessica G.
  Scott W.  says:
A short story is a focused, narrative, fictional writing. The most obvious defining characteristic of a short story is its length. Though the short story may have similar structure to a conventional novel, its shorter length consequently limits character and plot development. Short stories are written for people who want to read but don't have the patience for those bigger books...
Posted on Fri, 3 Sep 2010 12:06 AM EDT by Scott W.
  Elizabeth R.  says:
A short story is piece of writing that can typically be read in one sitting. Due to their length short stories tend to be more focused than longer works, and they are usually centered around one significant event. Short stories are more dense than novels in that everything written is of vital importance to the plot, whereas in a novel there are often characters and events that do not affect the plot so much as they serve to develop a character or theme in a richer manner. I imagine this poses a greater challenge to the writer as he or she must create a round, dynamic character before moving much beyond the introduction.
Posted on Fri, 3 Sep 2010 12:39 AM EDT by Elizabeth R.
  Jalissa T.  says:
A short story is a story that is usually fiction and is very short in length. You can read a short story in a short period of time, usually in one sitting. They are usually focused on one topic and are very brief and straight forward. Also, they mostly have a problem or a situation in the beginning of the story that is usually resolved in the end.
Posted on Fri, 3 Sep 2010 8:45 AM EDT by Jalissa T.
  Benson L.  says:
A short story is often a very structured and brief tale . It doesn't usually include chapters or volumes of pages. It is not broken down into different sections, but it begins and ends in one take. It is not as detailed as a book, but it has enough details to convey a message to the reader.
Posted on Mon, 6 Sep 2010 12:08 PM EDT by Benson L.
  Nick R.  says:
A short story in my perspective usually ends with the reader thinking about how this story just ended. A short story can be broken down into smaller sections which then the reader can analyze and try to figure out what happened specifically in the section and why. Short stories don't pack as much information as a full novel but do get to the point in a hurry. These stories seem to have more than one point in them which leaves the reader to come to conclusion.
Posted on Mon, 6 Sep 2010 5:03 PM EDT by Nick R.
  Esther I.  says:
A short story to my opion its alwasys a couple of pages long. In a short story the writer tries to put all his ideas in those couple of pages. It also must have a begging, middle and end. The writer always goes straight to the point, it also have few characters in the story.
Posted on Thu, 9 Sep 2010 9:56 PM EDT by Esther I.
  Benjamin N.  says:
A short story is my favorite kind of story. Short stories usually have a good beginning that hooks the reader?s interest. Once the reader is interested the author is able to convey his/her message in a small number of pages. In some ways I think that short stories are more pure than novels and other lengthy pieces of literature because they are able to get the point across faster. Not every short story is trying to send a message. There are many different genres of short story from comedy, to tragedy, and horror. Short stories are the best because they don?t take long to read.
Posted on Mon, 13 Sep 2010 11:47 AM EDT by Benjamin N.
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