The Age of Hope gave hope for the people of Europe because of all of the changes that occured in the century. A major socially change occured also in Eupore. For example, in the first decades of the 20th century, and especially in the 20s, the age of those marrying for the first time increased. Thus before World War I bridegrooms were 27 year old on the average and brides 23. These ages reached the highest point during the war with 29.7 years for men and 25.3 years for women. The proportion of those never married also increased in these decades. Before the war, men and women remained celibate their whole lives. Consequently, the average age at marriage did not markedly differ from the Western European level. The convergence was also promoted by stagnating average ages at first marriage in Western Europe. Regarding celibacy ratios, the differences remained greater, even though the Hungarian figures began to approach the Western European ones, especially for women.