I feel that the simple postwar ambitions after WWII, such as a house in the suburbs, a new car or two, and a "nuclear" family brought about the radical transformation of the American landscape by making people want more things than they ever had wanted before. America turned into more of the land of opportunity for people to live in a great home, not only have one nice car but mayeb even to nice ones, and also have it all together enough to have a great family. Physically it changed by obviously people having nicer things in their lives, and culturally it changed by people wanting more for themselves and growing to be a great country...a much different change from the past in being in war and Great Depression. People went from having nothing, being poor, and worried about what they be able to eat of if they will be able to eat to having as much as they want to eat and even more...such as nice houses and cars...pleasureable items.