In 1914 the world would find it's first global conflict, that would change the world as we know it forever. many people thought that the war was going to be a great thing. Many of the soilders were excitited and wanted to become heroes for their home countries. What the soldiers didnt know was that more than 9 million of them would never see their families again. The war was very harsh on the men who lived, many of the leaders didn't know how bad it was in the trenches. the leaders were launching attacks that were impossible for the troops at achieve and mnay of the men were dying because the leaders were more than ten miles away calling out orderes.the trench life was very unforgiving.Not only was it muddy and lonley, but also there was many illnesses and lack of food. In the passage a man recalls seeing a horse and then coming back to see nothing but the bones,because men were so hungry that they cut off meat to eat for dinner.