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October 21, 2007

Master Race

They discussed the idea of the master race, and created a mythology of German heroism that encouraged loyalty to the group and glorified death for the country. Hitler and many Germans like him, was an enthusiastic student of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel who argued that the State ?has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State.? Hegel foresaw in the early 1800?s that ?Germany?s hour? would come and that the country?s mission would be to redevelop the world. A German hero would complete this mission. Like Hegel, another German philosopher more directly portrayed the conventionality and obedience necessary for a secure State. Heinrich von Treitschke espoused that it was of no consequence what you thought about anything, just as long as you obeyed German law. Germany?s tradition also produced Friedrich Nietzsche who preached the coming of a master race and the superman who would conquer, impose a glorified state, and purify the master race. Finally, German legends were full of heroes and heroines like Hagen, Siegfried, and Brunhild, who were so superbly depicted in Richard Wagner?s opera, the Nibelungenlied. Heroes such as those, inspired Germans including Hitler, to think of themselves as larger than life and capable of bringing great glory to Germany through both life and death. I do not believe that anything akin to the Holocaust would ever happen in the United States unless it was an unforced issue. For instance people are attracted to different type of people. So when someone finds a spouse they are choosing that person to be with and it is mutual. Today?s physical standards are for everyone to be fit and thin. So with our standards getting higher, the amount of people in this kind of shape are growing as well. The master race of blonde hair, blue eyes, and muscle bound is something that will never happen under a controlled situation besides in the breeding of animals.
Posted by      brent m. at 10:53 PM CDT


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