Master Race deals with Nazism overtaking German society. In 1933, in Berlin, with a unique blend of nationalism, militarism, and racial theory, Hitler persuaded millions that they were the master race, that they were unique and special, with a special destiny. He promised a more orderly and united society, free of industrial conflict and ripe with opportunityand new jobs. He was a very liked and popular leader at that time.
To build national unity, the Nazi's turned to blame: They blamed the Allies of the First World War were responsible for the country's economic distress, weak leadership of the 1920's contributed to Germany's problems. And then of course they really blamed the Jews. Nazi's drew on old hatred and old jealousies. Horst Slesina recalls that "it was a process which developed slowly, but surely, and took over all sections of the population who had never thought about it before."
Those who were not considered a threat to the German race, their lives improved during this time span, but Jews, blacks, homosexuals, mentally/physically challenged, or a Gypsy were the ones whose lives were not improving.The Nazis were determined to expand their territory, and by 1941 the decision to systematically kill all Jews-the "Final Solution" had been made. After this "Final Solution" was put into order, that is when many Jews were sent to concentration camps and were killed in many numbers, and to the Nazis it was no big deal to kill off as many Jews as they could, they did not feel bad about killing them.
Since 1933, Nazi Germany had sung the rousing songs, and shared the glow of early military success. Twelve years later, May 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally. Only now would the true cost of the Nazi pursuit of a special racial destiny be exposed. Even today, this time is known as such a terrible time in history, and will never be forgotten.