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October 8, 2007

Unit 4- Lost Peace

The major results of the Peace Conference at the Palace of Versailles were that Germanyhad to be completely disarmed and had to give up the territories that were wanting independece. They also had to take full blame and were required to pay for all the damages and restoration that was needed. Germany's economic status soon plumeted to devistating since they were in debt to so many people, soon they didn't have any money for themselves to help their own people. Germany began to have a hyper inflated economy. The prices were going up daily and the people were going hungry. Six million were unemployed. With looking at the disasterest state the country was in because of the war, Hitler saw a way to take everyone's hopes and dreams of a better country and rose to the top and soon gained power over the country.

Even though Wilson's 14 points had a great purpose and meaned well, it still did not hit on what was the main reason for World War I which I believe is why World War II came so closely after.

The U.S. did not join the League because Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and several other Republican Senators were highly against it. They didn't want to see internationalism and didn't want to be a part of any other country's problems.

I believe the US should have entered into the League of Nations simply because it was their idea to begin with. It was our responsibility to make sure it was followed through with.I think even if the US entered into the League, the war was inevitable. The people of Germany were desperate for food, shelter and hope. Hitler knew exactly what they wanted and needed. Whether the US was in it or not, Hitler was there and hid everything he was doing.
Posted by      Lindsey C. at 12:00 PM CDT


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