The major results of the Peace Conference are as follows: Geographically, Germany was disarmed, and the Rhineland was demilitarized. Austria was prohibited from ever merging with Germany, Czechslovakia was created as a buffer to the east, and a restored Poland contained the Polish Corridor, which cut through Germany to the Baltic Sea; Economically, Germany was required to accept full responsiblity for World War I and was required to pay reperations equal to all civilian damges resulting from the War; Politically, Clemeceau agreed to the establishment of the League of Nations, and Wilson agreed to Clemenceu's demand for harsh peace against Germany. It is my belief that the League adequately addressed the issues that brought about the Great War. The reason the U.S. did not join the League was because Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and his constituents had strong reservations about Article 10 of the League covenant, and they did not want to be prohited from declaring war, thus they did not join the League. It is also my belief that our participation in would not have prevented World War II. The League was unable to prevent the rise of Hitler and the rearment of Germany because nationalism and imperialisn was prevelant during that time, and they did not react sufficiently to the invasions in 1931 and 1935 against Japan and Ethiopia, which did not give them enough muscle and credibility to disarm Germany.