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September 11, 2007

Age of Hope

I believe this program is called the ?Age of Hope? because so many changes took place during this century. As the text and movie stated, some people were affected by the innovation and others were not. The rich felt that this was a Beautiful Era but the poor were not as fortunate. The many living at poverty level and in underdeveloped countries were still starving and struggling to get by in life. Electricity was important in changing the future of the world. It gave light to darkness. The inventions of electrical home appliances changed the woman?s life in a way that we take for granted today. Rayon and nylon fabrics were developed which made clothes more affordable. Medical science advancements increased life expectancy. Railways, automobiles and airplanes increased communication between long distances. Radio and cinema were significant in the mass communication advances. I believe the many advances during this century far exceeded the hopes of the people. As I read about the many things invented during this time period, it is amazing that we still use a variation of these inventions.
Posted by      Amy C. at 4:07 PM CDT


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