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October 7, 2007

Red Flag-Lost Peace

Red Flag-Lost Peace Blog

The major results of the Peace Conference at the Palace of Versailles were that Germany had to give up territories which lead to the springtime of Nations during the 1920?s. Economically, the Germans were devastated by the punitive damages they had to pay to the Allies which would take seventy years. They had a hyper inflated economy. The prices were going up daily and the people were going hungry. Six million were unemployed. When looking at how the Peace Conference affected German politics, it gave Hitler an easier way to gain power. He gave the Germans hope again.

The treaty and the League did not adequately address the issues that brought about the Great War. They ignored the German dissatisfaction which I believe lead to World War II.

The U.S. did not join the League because the Congress voted not to ratify the treaty. Americans feared that being apart of the League of Nations would draw them into another unwanted war. They were an ocean away and did not want to be in the middle of the European problems.

Could U.S. participation have prevented World War II? Possibly, since Wilson in his first proposals of peace did not seem to the German?s to be as harsh as the final draft. The German may not have been so desperate to believe Hitler?s rhetoric. Probably, the war would have still happened. Americans more than likely did not have any better listening skills than the rest of the nations.

The League was unable to prevent the rise of Hitler and the rearmament of Germany because they created the perfect environment in Germany for Hitler to take power. The treaty was so harsh on the Germany people that they became desperate for hope and change. The Germans were starving and six million were unemployed. Hitler came along with hope and a new life back on top. The League had no teeth to enforce any laws or the treaty. Germany faced no consequence for breaking the treaty.

Amy Cox (Wiley)
Posted by      Amy C. at 11:06 AM CDT


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