Syllabus |
![]() Course Objective The objective of this course is to study theory, models and principles within the subject of strategic marketing management that will equip students with the skills and intellectual abilities needed to convert knowledge into an applicable approach for leadership in real-world marketing management processes. Textbook Required TextbookMarketing Management: A Strategic, Decision-Making Approach, 6/eJohn Mullins, London Business SchoolOrville C. Walker, University of Minnesota---MinneapolisHarper W. Boyd, Jr.ISBN: 13 9780073529820 Additional Information about the Text The concentration on strategic decision making sets this book apart from other texts that place greater emphasis on description of marketing phenomena than on the strategic and tactical marketing decisions that managers and entrepreneurs must make each and every day. This edition continues to be the most current and internet-savvy book available, injecting the latest developments in internet-based communication and distribution technology into every chapter. Also, an entire chapter (Chapter 15) is devoted to the development of marketing strategies for the new economy. The author team?s rich entrepreneurial, marketing management, and consulting experience spans a broad variety of manufacturing, service, software, and distribution industries provides an abundance of real-world, global perspectives. Course Work This course revolves around a series of UNITS. We will cover a total of 18 units which are outlined below and will complete a course project to enhance your level of understanding. Chapter 1: The Marketing Management Process Chapter 2: The Marketing Implications of Corporate and Business Strategies Chapter 3: Understanding Market Opportunities Chapter 4: Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior Chapter 5: Understanding Organizational Markets and Buying Behavior Chapter 6: Measuring Market Opportunities: Market Research and Forecasting Chapter 7: Targeting Attractive Market Segments Chapter 8: Differentiation and Positioning Chapter 9: Business Strategies: A Foundation for Marketing Program Decisions Chapter 10: Product Decisions Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions Chapter 12: Distribution Channel Decisions Chapter 13: Integrated Promotion Decisions Chapter 14: Marketing Strategies for the New Economy Chapter 15: Strategies for New and Growing Markets Chapter 16: Strategic Choices for Mature and Declining Markets Chapter 17: Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation Chapter 18: Measuring and Delivering Marketing Performance ... Final Grades Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??The maximu points that a student can earn is 2400 points. Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale: