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October 27, 2009

Race and Racism

It was recently discussed that race does not exist, but racism does. Racism is a social construct. Some people get racism confused with prejudice and its not the same. Prejudice is ones attitude and racism is power and privilege in which we see a lot of in our society. Racism has been built into society to make people act and think as they do. Some people suffer from what is called color-blindness this is when someone of the opposite race do not see the other race for their color. They make comments and act like they see people not as their race. In the book it says they make comments like "But I never think of you as Black." This I don't buy. I believe these people are stuck in time. The book talks about how segregation in the schools have increased. Research study shows that researchers have posed and found out that whites get better opportunities than blacks. So with this being said we still have work to do. This nation is filled with lots of misunderstandings. We have not been educated in the right fashion and until we are we will not see the change that we need for racial progress.
Posted by      Denise D. at 9:19 PM CDT

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