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Theory of Knowledge I Syllabus

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Attendance Policy

Regular attendance during each grading period is necessary for a passing grade in each course. Any student who misses more than four days on a block schedule during one grading period must meet both criteria below to eligible for a passing grade (A through D):

  • Pass the required comprehensive quarter exam (for this class, complete the TOK essay and the required in-class presentation).
  • Have an overall passing grade for the grading period

For all absences (excused or unexcused): Students who are absent shall receive a grade of zero for class work missed for the days or class periods in which the absences occur but can do a written assignment in lieu of the oral exercise. 100% credit can be given if these are completed within the allotted time (i.e. a day of make-up work for each day of absence when appropriate or as determined by the principal)

Makeup Policy

Students receive a tentative schedule of assignments near the beginning of each nine weeks. School attendance and make-up policies will be strictly enforced. If work assigned before an absence is due the day a student is absent, the student must hand in the work the next scheduled class meeting.

Stanton Integrity Policy

Statement to the Student Body from the Honor Review Board

  1. Cheating is not gamesmanship; it is unethical.
  2. Cheating may affect not only the individual but others as well, and hence, is more than the concern of one person.
  3. In addition to verbal or written instructions concerning cheating, a student should implement common sense and rational judgment so as not to bring about any question of his/her integrity and honesty.
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