Theory of Knowledge I Syllabus |
Attendance Policy Regular attendance during each grading period is necessary for a passing grade in each course. Any student who misses more than four days on a block schedule during one grading period must meet both criteria below to eligible for a passing grade (A through D):
For all absences (excused or unexcused): Students who are absent shall receive a grade of zero for class work missed for the days or class periods in which the absences occur but can do a written assignment in lieu of the oral exercise. 100% credit can be given if these are completed within the allotted time (i.e. a day of make-up work for each day of absence when appropriate or as determined by the principal) Makeup Policy Students receive a tentative schedule of assignments near the beginning of each nine weeks. School attendance and make-up policies will be strictly enforced. If work assigned before an absence is due the day a student is absent, the student must hand in the work the next scheduled class meeting. Stanton Integrity Policy Statement to the Student Body from the Honor Review Board