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Theory of Knowledge I Syllabus

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Course Format

This course revolves around a series of core Units and respective Sections directly tied to the IBO Diploma Programme's mission to educate responsible, internationally-minded, critically aware global citizens.

Each unit and section will be complemented by exercises and projects aimed at enhancing your level of understanding and participation.

Each individual section will involve selective readings highlighting different knowledge issues and concerns.

A substantial amount of course work will take place in our shared online course space.

Major Projects

  • Response papers: Students will complete a series of response papers in which they will reflect formally on the ideas and questions raised in class and according to past TOK IBO prescribed prompts. These papers are due at the start of the class period on the on dates they are due. Responses will also be submitted online via the student "drop box." Due dates can be found in the TOK Assessments document.
  • Group presentations: Students will give formal group presentations on the ideas and questions raised in class and according to the standards outlined by the IBO guide. If a student is absent the day of his/her group presentations, s/he will be required to complete an individual response paper that will be due on the day of his/her return. Presentations will require a submission of formal documents in both hard copy form and online. Due dates can be found in the TOK Assessments document.
  • Knowledge Journals: All students will maintain an online knowledge journal in which they keep notes from class readings, discussions, as well as short responses from provided prompts. Journal prompts will be provided online and during class lectures.
  • Reading Exams: All students will complete a series of reading exams based on textbook / supplemental readings and lectures. These exams will be conducted online and take place during an open window of availability. The lowest two (2) exam scores will be dropped per quarter. Each exam's closing window is listed in the TOK Assessments document.
  • Online Work: The course web space allows for a wide variety of collaboration among students. Students will create and maintain personal pages, take part in class blog entries, and submit most work through the online "drop box." Students are expected to take an active role in online discussions and collaboration. Class time will be occasionally available for some online work.
  • Class Discussions / Participation: All students are expected to actively engage with course readings and exercises during class discussions. Prior to most discussions, students will have an opportunity to pose provocations in the online course blog.
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