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Objectivu jeral

Objektivu jeral ba Dixiplina Tetum 1:

  • Estudante sira bele hatene rona, ko'alia, lee, hakerek, kona-ba Ortografia tuir padraun ne'eb??? iha Lia-Tetun, hodi kumpriende di'ak lia-Tetun nune'e m???s lia ne'e sai nu'udar lia-Inan Timor ???ian ne'eb??? konsagra ona iha Konstituisaun RDTL.


Atu hare kona ba materia nebe ita sei aprende durante semester ida ne'e, favor klik iha ne'e.


Testu nebe uza ba dixiplina LC TET1:

  1. Correia, Ad???rito J.G. Corte-Real, B.A. Hull, G.S. Saunders, G. W. Tilman, R.C. Soares, M.A. Santos, Domingos 2005. Dision???riu Nasion???l ba Tetun Ofisi???l. Instituto Nacional de Lingu???stica, Timor Leste: Gr???fica Diocesana de Baucau. Klinken,
  2. Thomas, Lu???s Filipe F.R., 2002. Babel Loro Sa'e O problema Lingu???stico de Timor- Leste. Instituto Cam???es. Gr???fica Maiadouro.
  3. Catharina Williams-van. 2005. Tetun 1. Unidade Lingua Dili Institute of Technology.
  4. Costa, Luis. 2001. Guia de Conversa??????o Portug???s - Tetum. LISBOA: Edi??????es Colibre / Instituto Cam???es.
  5. Soares, D.M. Dores., 1985. Tata Bahasa dan Kamus Tetum. Jakarta: Untuk kalangan sendiri
  6. Mary Mackillop Institute of East Timorese Studies. 1998. Mai Hatene Tetun. Klasse rua Unidade 1-14.
  7. Instituto Nacional de Lingu???stica, 2002. Matadalan Ortogr???fiku ba Tetun Nasion???l. Kursu Ortografia Padronizada nian. Timor Leste: Gr???fica Diocesana Baucau.

Eskala Valores

Estudante nia valor ba lisaun Tetum 1 sei baseia ba total hosi valor hotu nebe nia hetan. Valor final sei fo tuir eskala valor ida ne'e:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
90% - 96% of total points A
84% - 89% of total points A-
79% - 83% of total points B+
72% - 78% of total points B
67% - 71% of total points B-
62% - 66% of total points C+
54% - 61% of total points C
49% - 53% of total points C-
Bellow 48% of total points Fail
Last modified 14 Sep 2011 2:34 PM by ruben a.  
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