Linux's Pros include:
1: It is a more stable OS
2: It is an open source OS so you can make changes to the OS
3: It is designed to be a very secure OS and because of the secure design the number of Viruses, Mal-ware, Spy-ware, etc, is extremely small and cracking attacks and system exploits are limited.
4: There are tons of free program designed to run under Linux most better than expensive Windows counterparts.
5: It has been designed from the beginning for multitasking.
6: It does not require a major hardware upgrade like Windows does every time MS sends out a new version.
Linux's Cons include:
1: It will not run programs designed for Windows (some will work under Windows emulators) so more retail software will not be available for a Linux system.
2: Even though it has a graphical user interface (you can choose from several actually), there still is a bit of a learning curve for the OS.
3: Linux is not the industry standard therefore if you run into problems, you probably will have trouble finding someone that can answer your questions. Also most businesses use Windows as their OS of choice.
Windows Pros include:
1: Windows is the industry standard so most retail software is designed to operate under this OS.
2: Windows is the OS of choice for almost all businesses, colleges, etc,
3: Windows has been the standard for years so the learning curve is smaller.
Windows Cons include:
1: Being the industry standard used by just about everyone makes you vulnerable to cracker attacks, system exploits, Viruses, Spy-ware, Mal-ware, etc, Virus makers, etc, are going to target the biggest group of people that they can with the handy work.
2: Windows is a proprietary OS so you can not make changes period.
3: MS is notorious for releasing new software as ready to ship that most other software companies would still consider Beta software (aka the software still has some bugs, but most have been worked out) which means Windows has a proven track record of not being a very stable OS.
4: Almost every release of Windows has required a major hardware upgrade on the part of the users to get the new version of Windows to work efficiently.
5: MS is also notorious for releasing there latest OS's without the support for current hardware and software already in place. This is biggest reason why Vista was declared a $6 Billion dollar failure.
The best distro of Linux for Internet browsing and Media looks like one of the Ubuntu flavors. The first link below is a wizard that helps you choose a Linux distro based on your needs and knowledge. The second link is a comparison list of Linux distro's available.