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The mechanisms that support the properties of cellular and molecular neuroscience are the same ones that govern all cellular and molecular biology. Here are some animated representations of what is happening in every single one of our cells at almost every period in time. It is insanely remarkable, so it is worth taking a moment to think about. Let me know what you think!

The Inner Life of the Cell - Biovisions from Harvard

Powering the Cell: Mitochondria - Biovisions from Harvard

Molecular Visualizations of DNA - DNA Chromosome Wrapping - DNA Replication - Transcription of DNA to RNA - Translation of RNA to Protein - Hemoglobin and Sickle Cell Anemia - From the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

The Grateful Dead - 09/20/1982 MSG, New York

The Grateful Dead - 06/21/1980 West High Auditorium, Anchorage, Alaska

Last modified 3 Nov 2011 8:27 PM by Matt P.  
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