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Neuroethics 5!

Greetings! Welcome to the 5th neuroethics discussion page. This week's neuroethics discussion is relatively light, and gives you guys the option of what you feel most strongly about. Below is the link to an article published from the Program in Neuroethics from the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. It is a short review article discussing three major contentious subjects in the field of neuroscience.

Your mere task is to choose one of the three cases presented and give your scoop on it, and how it perhaps relates to the other two. One of them we have already seen before, that being the brain imaging ethics debate, and relates very clearly to the third topic addressing responsible research communication. The second one, cognition enhancement in humans, is case that is very interesting, and thus we will all get to read and write more about it in the near future. But for now, please describe your feelings on one of the subjects, how it may influence the future of modern neuroscience from research development to the curing of neurological diseases (neurodegenerative diseases, addiction, etc.), and how the three cases may be inter-related to each other. And lastly, think about the responsibilities that each of these neuroethical debates generate. How are we supposed to use all of this fresh, novel information in future to better our society and ourselves?

Neuroethical Responsibilities

These are due by Sunday, October 2nd! As you all know, remember to post your responses on the facebook page as well as in the student journals. Have fun!

Last modified 29 Sep 2011 6:57 PM by Matt P.  
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