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October 19, 2011

Group project: more details!

Hello everyone!

It looks like most of us are feeling the NMDA paper as the most interesting. Thanks for taking the time to look through them. Here is a message from Dr. Cooper about some specifics on the project:

"Your students need to pick one of the papers you suggested and then divide up the figures/panels amongst them. They need to prepare a powerpoint presentation of the paper that lasts 45 minutes. They should prepare a 10 minute introduction and then describe the methods used in the paper and then describe the Figures. They will take turns presenting. Then they will give a summary of the paper and state its significance for the field of Neuroscience. They should touch on the strengths and limitations of the approach the authors took to answer the question. They should offer alternative approaches that could have been used. Please emphasize that each member of the group must contribute equally to the presentation. They will NOT have to submit a written document so they will be graded on the presentation quality and the clarity of how they presented the paper. They will receive both an individual score and a group score weighted equally. I have an example of a video from last year of a group presentation that they can watch for inspiration if they like."

I would like to get together with all of you sometime this week or next week to organize the project and break up the tasks. My availability:

Mondays: 11-2, 6-8
Tuesdays: 3-8
Wednesdays: 11-2, 6-8
Thursdays: 10:30-2
Fridays: 11-2, or at the Dark Horse FAC

Please use the Hootcourse to tweet what time would work for you between now and next Friday (October 28). Do this by tomorrow (October 19th) at 9:00 PM please!

Thanks all,
Posted by Lisa Greene | 12:24 AM MDT
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