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September 5, 2011

Our Course

Hi Everyone!

A few orders of business:

Firstly, the 3rd Neuro Ethics discussion will be posted on my CourseStreet site tonight. From now on, all of the students will be responding to discussion questions that their TA posts. You will need to post your responses on the CU Neuroscience FB page (200 words or less please) AND in your student journals on my CourseStreet site so that I can grade them. I'm looking for relevant and thoughtful responses. You should all get full points if you do the assignments :)

Secondly, student participation in the course via social networking sites is vital for the class's progress. So, I'm asking all of you to please post any interesting things you find on the web about neuroscience or biology to CU Neuroscience's FB page and to your student journals! When you guys post the links to your student journals, I will be able to track your participation. The more the better!

Finally, I have created a HootCourse that is specific to our group. Please join in by going to this link:

That way, you guys can ask me questions more privately and I can send out announcements that are specific to our group. Please join my HootCourse by tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5.

Thanks everyone!
Posted by Lisa Greene | 1:49 PM MDT
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