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The Copperbelt UniversitySchool of TechnologyDepartment of Electrical Engineering

EF 551: Control Systems II

Lecturer: Nkumbwa R. L. Exam C/W Ratio: 60:40Email: Examined: Nov/Dec Mobile: +260 955 425 919 Course Credit: 0.5Academic Year: 2010 Pass Required in C/W: Yes


To provide students with an in-depth understanding of dynamics and control of typical linear and non-linear systems. As well as enable students to design robust controllers using both classical and modern computer aided optimal techniques.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course students should be able to analyze and design advanced robust controllers for linear and non-linear systems including:? Stability of Linear Control Systems? Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems? Frequency-Domain Analysis of Control Systems? Design of Control Systems? Compensation of Control Systems? Analysis of Non-Linear Control Systems? Computer Aided Control Systems Analysis

Outline Syllabus

1.0 Stability of Linear Control Systems1.1 Introduction1.2 Methods of Determining Stability1.3 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

2.0 Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems2.1 Introduction2.2 Test Signals for Time Response Systems2.3 Unit Step Response and Time-Domain Specification2.4 Steady State Error2.5 Time Response of a First Order System2.6 Time Response for a Second Order System2.7 Time Domain Analysis of a Positional Control2.8 Effects of adding Zeros & Poles to Transfer Functions

3.0 Frequency-Domain Analysis of Control Systems3.1 Introduction3.2 Effects of adding a Zero to a forward path Transfer function3.3 Effects of adding a pole to a forward path Transfer function3.4 Nyquist Stability Criterion3.4.1 Introduction3.4.2 Stability Analysis3.4.3 Definition of Encircled and Enclosed3.4.4 Nyquist Path3.4.5 Nyquist Criterion and the L(s) or the G(s)H(s) plot3.5 Nyquist Criterion for Systems with Minimum-Phase TF3.6 Effects of addition of poles and zeros to L(s) on the shape of the Nyquist Plot3.7 Relative Stability: Gain Margin and Phase Margin3.8 Root Locus Techniques3.8.1 Introduction3.8.2 Properties of the Root Loci3.8.3 Procedure for Plotting Root Loci3.8.4 Root Locus with MATLAB Toolbox3.9 Stability Analysis with the Bode Plot3.9.1 Bode Plot of Systems with Pure Time Delays3.9.2 Relative Stability Related to the Slope of the magnitude curve of the Bode Plot3.9.3 Constant-M Loci in the magnitude phase plane3.9.4 The Nichols Chart3.9.5 Sensitivity Studies in Frequency Domain3.9.6 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies

4.0 Design of Control Systems and Compensation4.1 Introduction4.1.1 Design Specifications4.1.2 Controller Configuration4.1.3 Principles of Design4.2 Design with the PD Controller4.2.1 Time Domain Interpretation of PD Control4.2.2 Frequency Domain Interpretation of PD Control4.3 Design with the PI Controller4.3.1 Time Domain Interpretation of PI Control4.3.2 Frequency Domain Interpretation of PI Control4.4 Design with the PID Controller4.5 Design with Phase-Lead Controller4.6 Design with Phase-Lag Controller4.7 Design with Lead-Lag Controller

5.0 Analysis of Non-Linear Control Systems5.1 Introduction5.2 Analysis of Non-Linear Control Systems5.3 Functional Analysis of Non-Linear Systems

6.0 Virtual Lab6.1 Introduction6.2 Description of Virtual Experiment System6.3 Description of SIMLab and VirtualLab Software6.4 Simulations and Virtual Experiments6.5 Control Systems Design Project

Course Structure 30 Hours of Lectures per term 10 Hours of Labs/Tutorials per term

Course Work (C/W)

2 ? End of Term Tests 60% 2 ? Assignment/Presentation 30%1 ? Computer Aided Design Project 10%Course Prerequisites

Students are expected to have basic understanding of:

? MATLAB Software, Computer Systems, etc? Construction of mathematical models of simple physical systems? Solve first and second order differential equations? Elementary Matrix Operations? Laplace Transforms? Complex Number Theory? EF 451 ? Linear Control Systems I


? Doyle, J.C. et al (1992), Feedback Control Theory, John Willey & Sons Inc, USA? Kuo, B. C. et al (2003), 8th Edition, Automatic Control Systems, John Willey & Sons Inc, USA.? Manke, B. S. (1997), Linear Control Systems, Khanna Publishers, Delhi ? India.? Ogata, K. (1990), 2nd Edition, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc, New Jersey- USA.? Schwarzenbach, J. et al (1978), Systems Modelling & Control, Edward Arnold Publishers, Bedford Square- London.

Course Requirements

? You are expected to behave in a Professional Manner? Lectures starts promptly? The door will be closed 10 minutes after the start and not opened? Anyone arriving after then will not be admitted? This will apply to any break period? The class register will be checked? Any student disrupting the lecture will be evicted


The above is just a proposed course outline which may not be definite, hence, the author reserves the right to alter any part or section in form of adding or eliminating some topics without prior notice or permission from any party. Therefore, cannot be held responsible for any failure that may arise in terms of coverage or anything alike. It is intended to provide a detailed general guide for students self study.

?Nkumbwa- 2010

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