Syllabus |
![]() Course Goals Materia Programa Aplikasaun Microsoft Word 2007 ne atu uja ba hakerek textu, hakerek karta, teze, CV, e nune mos nia iha funsaun seluk mak hanesan atu halo tabela, contagen, grafik, no flow chart. Objectivo ba lisaun ida ne'e mak hanesan tuir mai ne :
... Textbook
iha referensia seluk: Course Work This course revolves around a series of UNITS. We will cover a total of 11 units -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding. ... Final Grades Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??????????????????????????????????????????????????Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:
Last modified 23 Nov 2013 5:29 PM by leo b. | ||||||