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Subject Outline (SAP)

Course : Microsoft word and Document Formatting

Course code : 1LC MSW 1

Load : 3 CS

Department: Office Management _(OM _1)

Lecturer : _Sr. Maria da Silva, FdCC

Course goal

1. Microsoft Word is a word processing software package. The students can use it to type letters, reports, and other documents. It gives them the ablilty to use their home computer for desktop publishing.

2. Microsoft Word 2007 is so different from previous versions of Microsoft Word, even experienced users may find it useful. This lesson will introduce the students to the Word window. They can use this window to interact with Word.

3. Students have the ability to use and control the facilities of Microsoft word 2007 which will help the word processing job becomes much more efficient and effective.

Syllabus for this course can be found here

Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned. Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
90% - 96% of total points A
84% - 89% of total points A-
79% - 83% of total points B+
72% - 78% of total points B
67% - 71% of total points B-
62% - 66% of total points C+
54% - 61% of total points C
49% - 53% of total points C-
Bellow 48% of total points Fail
 Copyright © 2007-2016 Sr. Maria da Silva. All rights reserved.