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Course Goals

There are three primary goals for this course:

  • First goal --Estudante hotu hatene oinsa atu uja programa PPT ida ne hodi halao sira nia knar iha servisu fatin ou iha fatin nebe sira servisu ba nebe iha relasaun ho presentasi.
  • Second goal --Cria modul ida kona ba Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 nebe signifika katak estudante hotu-hotu bele uja sira nia modul rasik atu sai hanesan referensia ida ba sira nia an rasik. (Bloom Taxonomy, Create).


  1. Abdul Razaq, SIP. Microsoft Office 2007:Percetakan Offcet,2007
  2. Isroi.Micorosoft, Trik Desain Presentasi dengan Powr Point: PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2007

Other Sources

  1. Bele hare iha link ne

Course Work

Bele hare syllabus ihane

This course revolves around a series of UNITS.

We will cover a total of 11 units -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding.


Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??????????????????????????????????????????????Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale:

90% - 96% of total points A+
84% - 89% of total points A-
79% - 83% of total points B+
72% - 78% of total points B
67% - 71% of total points B-
62% - 66% of total points C+
54% - 61% of total points C
49% - 53% of total points C-
Below 48% of total points FAIL
Last modified 27 Nov 2013 1:06 PM by leo b.  
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