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Objectivo Curso

There are three primary goals for this course:

  • First goal Estudante iha kapasidade atu defini no halo deskripsaun sa ida mak etika no ambito husi teoria Etika i bele identifika problema-problema ne'ebe mosu iha Kursu Etika.
  • Second goal Estudante bele komprende no halo diferensaun kona ba Etika, Etiket ho Moral.
  • Third goal Estudante bele demonstrar teoria Etika ne'ebe iha tanto iha Campo de Trabalho i no mos iha moris hamutuk lor-loron nu'udar criatura sociais.
  • Fourth goal Espera katak liu husi Kursu ida ne'e estudante bele halo analisa i diferenca kona ba problema-problema moral ne'ebe ita hasoru lor-loron.
  • Fifth goal Depois de remata kursu ida ne'e estudante sira bele sai hanesan ema ne'ebe kritis.
  • Sixth goal Depois de remata kursu ida ne'e. Estudante bele halo kombinasaun entre teoria nebe sira estuda ho realidade moris nebe sira hasoru lor-loron.


  1. Magnis-Suseno, Franz, 1987 "Etika Dasar: Masalah-masalah Pokok Filsafat Moral", Kanisius: Yogyakarta.
  2. Sonny Keraf, A., 1998, Etika Bisnis: Tuntutan dan Relevansinya, Kanisius: Yogyakarta
  3. Chang, William, 2009, Bioetika: Sebuah Pengantar, Kanisius: Yogyakarta
  4. Eka Yuantoro, F.A, 2005, Eutanasia, Obor: Jakarta
  5. Bertens, K., 2000, Pengantar Etika Bisnis,Penerbit: Kanisius


Ita Bo'ot sira hakarak hare'e SAP husi Materia Etika nian bele klik iha nee

Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned. Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
90% - 96% of total points A
84% - 89% of total points A-
79% - 83% of total points B+
72% - 78% of total points B
67% - 71% of total points B-
62% - 66% of total points C+
54% - 61% of total points C
49% - 53% of total points C-
Below 48% of total points F
Last modified 16 Dec 2013 11:30 AM by Thomas A.  
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