Writing plays a big role in my life. While I very rarely write stories myself, my best friend, Sarah, writes constantly, and I help co-author, inspire, advise, and edit what she writes. Currently, the two of us, with the help from some other of our friends, are working on a story based on the role playing game, Dungeons and Dragons. This story is already over four hundred pages long, and is a very good read, if I do say so myself.
I myself have never finished any of my personal writing projects, so I currently have three unfinished novels and a handful of short stories sitting around until I find the inspiration to finish them. I usually will write or Sarah write as a way to get over depression, anxiety, sadness, or any other type of negative emotion; most of my best ideas have come out of being depressed. I was a member of my high school's creative writers club, and I enjoy reading, so my writing style has countless influences, and my style seems to change by day and what type of piece I am trying to write.