For me, writing has been something that never came easy to me. When ever there was a writing assignment due, for any class, I would always put it off to the last minute, just to avoid it as long as possible. Reason being that it has always been hard for me to get started on something like an Expository Essay or even a journal entry because I could never get my thoughts into focus. I mostly write something when it is required of me, either by a school or a job. It's not so much that I hate writing, but I do find it annoying at times. Most of the time, especially in English, when ever you write you are doing it to achieve a grade, not always the best motivation to write something worth putting a ton of your time in to, right? But yes, there are those times where it is not worth 150 points or something like that, like this, where I enjoy it slightly more and am more willing to put more thought into what I write.