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September 7, 2010


Writing is dumb. Sorry its the first thing that pops in my head when I even start thinking about writing... well next to writing is stupid. I write mostly only when i need to, when i have to, when it is a necessity because everything that revolves around writing I suck at. I can't spell, my vocabulary is not that great at all and I feel like writing is one of those things I can sometimes be secretly embarressed about. (Ex: hahaha no dude I totally ment to write they had toast at the wedding... not they made a toste. You really think I'm that dumb?) Though i do sometimes write freely without taking my hand off the paper when I'm stressed or feeling, for lack of a better word, emotional. It actually kinda helps. Anyway I suppose writing is important and I need to work on it so I'll try like I do with everything else.
Posted by      Paul R. at 7:49 AM EDT


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