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Course Goals

Materia Microsoft Access ne prepara ba estudante Diploma III departemento Gestaun Administrativo Instituto Profissional de Canossa ,Dili, Timor Leste.

Objectivo ba lisaun ida nee mak hanesan tuir mai nee:

  • First goal -- Estudante bele komprende oinsa atu usa Microsoft Access ( knowledge/Konyesemento).
  • Second goal -- Estudante sira bele Halo/kria Tabela, Queri, Forma/Formulario(Form) ho halo relatorio (Report), (Application/Aplika).
  • Third goal -- Estudante sira bele kria database ida liu husi programa Aplikasaun Microsoft Access ( Create/kria ).



Referensia nebe usa ba materia ne mak hanesan tuir mai nee:

  1. Nana, Suarna, Pedoman Panduan Pratikum Microsoft Access 2007, 2008
  2. Imam Haryanto, Membuat Database dengan Microsoft Access, 2008


Referensia seluk nebe usa mak hanesan :

  1. Category
  2. Contoh
  3. Youtube

Course Work

This course revolves around a series of UNITS.

We will cover a total of 11 units -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding.


Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
94% - 96% of total points A
90% - 96% of total points A
84% - 89% of total points A-
79% - 83% of total points B+
72% - 78% of total points B
67% - 71% of total points B-
62% - 66% of total points C+
54% - 61% of total points C
49% - 53% of total points C-
Below 48% of total points FAIL
Last modified 23 Nov 2013 5:11 PM by luciana a.  
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