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June 25, 2010

The Church

I think that people are caught up with religion see religion will send you to Hell! It's not about religion it's about relationship. Do you have a relationship with God?See religion will tell you you can't wear this or that. Man looks on the outter part but, God judges the heart. God ways are not like our ways or His thought like our thought. Be renewed by the transforming of your mind. Put on the mind of Christ. Let God change you from inside then out.
Posted by      lena s. at 8:50 AM CDT


  timothy m.  says:
I think the most religions people are the biggest hypercrates. From what I have seen with my own eyes the Christan bible tells its people not to judge anybody., but lots of christans are always dammind others to hell if they dont see eye to eye with another religion. I think everybody has their own relationship with god so church is in your heart the building is just for fellowship.
Posted on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 10:40 PM CDT by timothy m.
  Latasha F.  says:
I agree and God is the only person that can judge others.I feel like everyone should try to live their life according to the ten commandments.
Posted on Tue, 5 Jul 2011 11:21 PM CDT by Latasha F.

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