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December 11, 2020

Impact of human motivation on employees performance

The article illustrates the contribution of particular human resource management practices to the organizations productivity and performance. It analyzes the literature on the relations between such influential factors as the effect of the change, the impact of stress, the influence of financial and non-financial inducements on employee efficiency, performance, and motivation. The main concept the article deals with is the concept of motivation. According to the author, motivation is the prerequisite of a good performance of any worker and, as a result, any organization. The article deals with such notions as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the means that help achieve and support particular motivation. Moreover, the study is relevant to the topic of the research paper while it concentrates on the effective methods of human resource performance and control management, among which the author mentions the interconnection between stress, efficiency, and performance. According to the author, stress is a significant factor that directly influences the level of personal and organizational productivity. Both, too much and too little of organizational stress will be destructive for the workers and the company while the acceptable amount of organizational stress will only bring positive results.

The article is a research study on the impact of stressful environment and working atmosphere on employees behaviour. The study determines stress level according to such personal workers characteristics as age, type of job, work duration, and profession. Moreover, it determines the peculiarities of different stress levels with the account of work atmosphere in various professional categories. The study also evaluates the influence of work environment on the stress level that the employees experience at work. The source is of particular importance to the research paper while it analyzes the notion of stress from the root, incorporating it into the professional area. According to the results of the study, stress is highly individualized in nature. While some workers become paralyzed every time they experience some stressful situation, others appear to be extremely stress-tolerant and thriving in a dynamic office environment. The factors that influence the creation of stressful atmosphere include high-performance requirements and expectations, deadlines, the occurrence of sudden emergencies and/or urgent tasks, etc. Nevertheless, every company has a few individuals that perform better, faster, and more efficient in the face of stress. At the same time, the majority of employees may experience serious health disorders (insomnia, psychosomatic disorders), the absence of motivation, and low productivity.

The article investigates the influence of stress on work potential and derives conclusions about health promotion activities. Moreover, the study evaluates and examines the stress perceived by employees of different professional status. The source presents a comprehensive questionnaire survey and medical examination of 867 volunteers. The questions were mainly directed at the perception of welfare at work, self-estimated health condition, the periodicity of stress signals. The results of the survey showed that depending on the occupational status, the outcomes were different. Professional and managerial staff reported more frequent cases of perceived stress while frontline operators had more complaints on health condition due to the workplace environment. The article is a valuable source for the research paper while it directly addresses the problem of stress impact on employees performance, their physical and mental health. According to the research, stress has a considerable influence on the Work Ability Index and can rather enhance or pause the task fulfillment.
The outline writing service explores the effects work stress and leadership produce on employees behaviour, their attitude to work and colleagues. Moreover, the article deals with the diminishing effects of transformational and transactional leadership model on the connection between stress and employees negative behaviour. The authors surveyed employees from different industrial areas and from 20 organizations placed in different locations. According to the results of the questionnaires, work stress had a direct connection with the negative behaviour on the workers behalf. Transactional leadership brings positive effects to the employees work productivity and self-motivation while transformational leadership enhances the adverse effects. Furthermore, transactional leadership reinforces the effects of stress on the negative behaviour of the employee while transformational leadership has no diminishing effect. The source is of particular interest while except presenting the survey and the results of the survey on the researched question, it gives advice on stress preventing methods. The article proves that leader is the main person who has enough power either to prevent or to create a stressful situation. As a result, the most effective way to prevent it is to show on a personal example how to prevent stress and work productively in a friendly environment.

The author defines work stress as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the [abilities], resources, or needs of the worker. The article contains data from different scholarly sources which prove that the problem of work stress is real and very serious in the modern world of competitiveness and rivalry. Among the main reasons of work stress occurrence, the authors mention low salaries, long working hours, work overload, lack of personal growth and promotion, and uncertain/undefined job expectations. Moreover, it is mentioned that stress may appear when a person is not able to turn off work or as a result of modern technology. The article concentrates mainly on the influence and level of stress on the female population. According to the results, women are more prone to stress; they experience more serious manifestations of it while they are expected to face more multitasking challenges (professional performance, home activities, childcare). All in all, in order to prevent stressful situations, the workers, as well as the company leaders, have to promote healthy work environment and diminish harmful aspects of working process.
Posted by      Jaime B. at 8:20 AM CST


  ehsan e.  says:

Posted on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 1:25 PM CST by ehsan e.

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