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How to Do Your Manicure at Home | DIY Manicure

You can have the perfect fingernails without having to spend some extra money. You can do your manicure right from your home. And if you like, you can even invest a little into your beauty kit to give your finger a professional-like DIY makeover. There's that degree of satisfaction that comes from doing your nails. In addition, you may find the whole process therapeutic. However, you’ll only enjoy the therapy when everything goes right. But, unfortunately, anything can go wrong while chipping, smudging, or warping your fingers. Hence, in this guide, we briefly explore the right ways to do your manicure at home.

STEPS TO DIY MANICURE AT HOMEDoing your manicure can be very easy once you follow these steps.

Cleaning the NailsThe first thing in treating your fingers is to clean the nails. Preparing the nails is a crucial step in polishing the nails. You’ll need a polish remover to do the cleaning. There are different polish remover products you can choose from.

It would help if you also used the remover even when you don't have polish on. The remover removes any form of oil or dirt from your nails. Afterward, ensure to clean your hands with soap and water.

Clipping, Filing, and BuffingOnce cleaning of the nails is complete, you should clip the nails. First, cut the nails to form the curvature you want. Then follow up by filing the nails. However, you should beware of your nail type. You don't want to hurt yourself in the process of filing. For people with thin nails, overfilling can be dangerous.

Subsequently, buff your nails with a nail buffer. Apply the buffer to the sides and tops. Buffing keeps your nails shiny.

Prepare the CuticlesWorking on your cuticles is essential in a manicure. You can use a cuticle remover here. The remover deals with dead skin cells. Hence, it softens the area around your nail.

Note that there is a difference between cuticle remover and cuticle oil or balm. In any case, the cuticle remover is the best choice – don’t cut your cuticles. The cuticle remover deals with dead skin gently to not compromise the cuticle's function – protecting the nails from bacteria.

Exfoliation of the HandsThe process of exfoliation needs to be gentle. When you exfoliate, the dead skin cells around the hands, wrist, and forearms. When complete, wash and dry your hands neatly.

Moisturize Moisturizing the hands and cuticle comes next. One primary function of moisturizing is to prevent smudges when applying nail polish. You can also massage your hands during this period. You can then use a polish remover to ensure that no residue is left.

Apply Base CoatWhen you're done moisturizing your hands, you should apply a base coat to hydrate and protect the nails.

Apply first colour coatAfter leaving the base color for a while, follow up by adding the first coat of color. After that, you can use any color of your choice. When applying the color, ensure that your brush reaches your cuticles and gets to the corners of the nail. You can get your gel polish at

Apply second Color CoatLet the first color coat stand for two minutes. Follow up with another color coat. You may need to apply the coat a third time. Irrespective, ensure that the color coat is thin and smears nicely.

Overlay a topcoatWhen you are done, you need a top coat to protect your manicure from chipping away. The topcoat will also make the nails shine. This is a critical process, and you should be careful. If done wrongly, all your hard work towards this point can go down the drain.

Clean up the edgesWhen you are done, clean up the edges. You can use a cotton ball dipped in nail polish for this. When you are done, let your nails stand for the next five minutes.

Last modified 10 Nov 2021 10:26 AM by Tony W.  
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