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Unit 2: Title


Unit 2 begins here.HLTH-101 - Foundations of Child and Adult Support and Interpersonal CommunicationsIn this course, the learner is introduced to the role of the Child and Adult Support Worker (CASW) and the scope of practice for the CASW within the health care system. Through class discussion, seminars, lectures, the learner will explore confidentiality and privacy, client rights and boundaries, ethical issues, professional behaviour, and legislation involving the health care system. There is strong emphasis on interpersonal and professional communications. The Support worker is introduced to western patterns of communication, what is acceptable and what is not and taken through a pattern of presenting self as a professional.


Sample Syntax Page

ebay image

Standard text. Bold text. Italic text. Bold italic text.

image with frame and caption
image with frame and caption

Section 9

This is a new paragraph. And this is a link to an internal node - syllabus.

This is orange text.

horizontal line:


  • one
  • two
  • three
    • sublist
      • sub-sublist
  • four
  • five
table caption
header cell one header cell two header cell three
row two cell one row two cell two row two cell three
row three cell one
embedded table
11 12 13
21 22 23
  • list
  • in
  • table

A paragraph with a link.

Image in a paragraph  ebay image

Last modified 23 May 2011 3:26 PM by Bronston H.  
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