Engeral objetivo materia ida ne'e nian atu fo kuinesimentu prinsipu husi siencia Fundamental Jestaun Administrativa ho pratika nebe nakonu ho obstaklu ba matenek na'in foin sa'e sira. Materia ida ne'e ninia objetivo mos atu halo estudante sira iha apresia positivo ba displina prinsipu fundamental Jestaun Administrativa. Wainhira hala'o ona prosesu aprendiziazen ba materia ida ne'e, estudante sira mos prepara mental no iha kompetensia atu hatene hodi hakle'an liu tan sira nia matenek iha area Fundamental Jestaun Administrativa nian.
There are three primary goals for this course:
- First goal -- Esplika funsaun Fundamental Jestaun Administrativa hodi fo inportansia ba organizasaun iha parte administrativus
- Second goal --Esplika oinsa rai arkivus iha eskritorio tuir efektivus no diak konvensional no eletronika
- Third goal --Wainhira prosesu aprendiziazen hotu tiha, estudante sira iha komprensaun no abilidades corretas efetivo iha jestaun
administrativus tuir konvensional, elektronika hodi apoia no lidera no fo dezisaun klaru iha organizasaun nia laran
The required text for this course is Textbook Name, Textbook Author, ETC.
- Gie, The Liang, Administrasi Perkantoran Modern (edisi 4) Liberty,Yogyakarta
- T.M.Lilico, Komunikasi Manajemen (Edisi revisi) Erlangga
- Amsyah,Zulkifli Manajemen Kearsipan (edisi revisi) PT Gramedia pustaka utama
- Wiyasa, Thomas Tugas sekretaris dalam mengelola surat dan arsip Dinamis (edisi revisi) PT Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta
- Estudante bele kumpriende kona ba Fundamental Jestaun Administrativas
- Estudante bele aplika hodi tau iha pratika iha sesaun administrativus nian.
This course revolves around a series of UNITS.
We will cover a total of 11 units -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding.
Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:
Grading Scale:
97% -
100% of total points
90% -
96% of total points
84% -
89% of total points
79% -
83% of total points
72% -
78% of total points
67% -
71% of total points
62% -
66% of total points
54% -
61% of total points
49% -
53% of total points
49% of total points