Structural MRI detects progressive regional brain atrophy and neuroprotective effects in N171-82Q Huntington's disease mouse model
'Studies suggest that clinical trial of a putative neuroprotective agent could begin as early as 15 years prior to estimated motor diagnosis in a cohort of persons at risk for, but not meeting clinical motor diagnostic criteria for HD, and that neuroimaging might be among the best predictors of early diagnosis'
1. What is Sertraline, and what was it?s role in the study?
2. Where did they find the most significant changes in brain volume? Does this make sense, given the typical symptoms of HD? Please explain.
3. The figures presented do a good job of visualizing the changes detected throughout the study ? which was the most striking for you?
4. The study also detected a loss of white matter volume early on in the disease progression; several theories on this pathology exist, but further testing is needed. Offer some ideas for an experiment to further explore this aspect of HD (Ex. imaging tools, histology, behavioral, neurotransmitter levels ect.)