The Role of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Women?s Sexual Decision Making
1. When rating a high likelihood of engaging in sex with high-risk partners, _________ in activation of the ACC and __________ activation in the pons was observed. Why? (For this question only, please e-mail me your response instead of posting)
2. How do these regions of interest (ACC, Pons, Midbrain, intraparietal sulcus) influence behavior and autonomic arousal? What chemicals, circuits, or brain regions are involved?
3. Can you point out any issues with the methodology of this study? (i.e. What could have been done differently, who was left out, what variables were not considered, ect) Suggest some ways to improve/alter this experiment.
4. Why examine the neural circuitry underlying sexual decision-making? What are the implications of this study?