1. What is the difference between REM and non-REM sleep?
2. They tested "The hypothesis that DQB1*0602 positivity changes the dynamics of REM sleep and leads to worse insomnia symptoms" During REM sleep, what difference did they find in the frequency bands of individuals with the DQB1 allele? Why would this activity cause them to feel less well rested than those without the allele? (even though they were getting the same amount of sleep!)
3. "95% of individuals with hypocretin (orexin)-deficient narcolepsy... carry the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQB1*0602 allele, as compared to 25% of the general population" Explain the role of hypocretins (AKA Orexins) in sleep regulation and REM.
4. Can you find any studies investigating this autoimmune hypothesis of narcolepsy? Please cite at least one.