Oxytocin Attenuates Amygdala Reactivity to Fear in Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder
?OXT ?s role could be to specifically modulate the amygdala under pathological rather than normal physiological states (eg, to reduce the processing of threatening social cues after the initial threat has been detected), as it would be undesirable to have a general dampening of the amygdala to all emotional cues? (2410)
1. What neuromodulatory effect does OXT have on the neurons in the amygdala (ie. As a neuropeptide, HOW would its presence increase or decrease activation in the region of interest?)
2. Propose an experiment to further investigate the apparent fear-specific attenuation of amygdala activity by OXT in GSAD patients (behavioral tasks, imagining, ect) Eg. how could you control for varied sensitivities to emotional recognition?
3. What effects might long-term administration of OXT have on the brain (good or bad?)
4. Only males were included in this study ? would you expect females to demonstrate different amygdalar activation? Would this be affected by hormonal cycles?