"Lower N-Acetyl-Aspartate Levels in Prefrontal Cortices in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: A 'H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study"
1. Why might lowered NAA, glycerophosphocholine plus phosphocholine (GPC+PC) and PCr+Cr neurochemical levels in the brain be indicative of neurodevelopment alterations?
a.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-Acetylaspartic_acid (NAA)
2. Why did the researchers choose to evaluate the MPFC, DLPFC, cingulate and occipital cortex? Why grey and white matter? For mood disorders (like BD) what other neuroanatomical regions might scientists examine?
3. In terms of the levels of the neurochemicals evaluated, we found no differences between the following subgroups: BD patients with ADHD or anxiety disorders versus BD patients without such disorders; BD type I patients versus BD type II or BD NOS (not otherwise specified) patients? What do you think could account for these variations in co-morbidities/symptoms?
4. Researching psychopathologies can be tricky, especially in pediatric populations. Do you see any problems with this study (would you do anything differently?) Where can the research go from here? Do these results provide insight into new treatment options?
Use the questions to guide your discussion, you don't have to answer them all. Please comment on anything you found exciting, unusual, confusing ect...