This week's neuroethics discussion topic is concerning neuroscience, brain function, responsibility and free will. The following article discusses the implications that neuroscience may have on concepts like free will and responsibility, and how they may contribute to the actions, morals, and values of our society.
Here are two articles discussing these topics, the first one in more of a broad manner than the second:
Responsibility and Brain Function
Neuroscientific Challenges to free will and responsibility
Please respond by portraying your personal beliefs on the subject at hand. Can neuroscience determine or predict how free will affects a certain situation or state of being? How do the mechanics of the brain contribute to an individual's decisions and actions? Can these be attributed to biophysical changes in their brains alone? Or do the concepts of moral righteousness, free will, and responsibility deserve a more organic, mundane explanation?
Please have your responses posted on the CU Neuroscience facebook page and copied into the student journals by October 9th! And remember, have fun!