Online Neuroscience Classes

It is now possible to satisfy the upper and lower level core requirements for the Neuroscience Major online!


4.0 semester hoursProvides and introduction to fundamental concepts in neuroscience. The goal of this first course is to provide a strong foundation in neurobiology--cell biology, physiology of the neuronal membrane, interneuronal communication, neurotransmission, gross anatomy, and how the brain develops. Students will also learn principles of sensory systems functions. Prereq., instructor consent. Fulfills PSYC 2012 requirement for psychology majors.

Instructor: Don Cooper PhD and Leah Leverich PhD

IL 3 (10 weeks) - Section 581: Class No. 14457 Online, Term-Based August 29 - December 9


3.0 semester hoursAdvanced course in neuroscience, considering chemical transmission in detail. Topics include endocrinology as well as the mechanism of action of psychoactive drugs, cellular neurochemistry, and special topics in neuroscience research. Prereq., instructor consent.

Don Cooper PhD and Tim Koeltzow PhD

Section 581: Class No. 18643 Online, Term-Based August 29 - December 9

  • If you are an student with a current general science major you can either switch to Neuroscience or add Neuroscience as a double major with 3 online Classes (Introduction to Neuroscience-NRSC 2100, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory-NRSC 4132 or Neuropharmacology- NRSC 4032) and use your other approved upper level sciences listed below to satisfy the Neuroscience Major requirements.

General Science Upper Division Electives
CHEM 3311(4)-CHEM 3321(1) Organic Chemistry 1 and lab;CHEM 3351(4) with 3361(1) Organic Chemistry 1 for Chemistry Majors with lab;CHEM 4611(3) Survey of Biochemistry;CHEM 4711(3) General Biochemistry;EBIO 3240(4) Animal Behavior;EBIO 3770(4) Animal Diversity: Vertebrates;EBIO 3850(4) Animal Diversity: Invertebrates;ECEN 3030(3) Electrical/Electronic Circuits;IPHY 3410(3) Intro to Human Anatomy;IPHY 3430(3) Intro to Human Physiology;IPHY 3470(3) Human Physiology 1;IPHY 4200(3) Physiological Genetics and Genomics;MCDB 3140(2) Cell Biology Lab (co-requisite: MCDB 3120);MCDB 3280(3) Molecular Cell Physiology;MCDB 4520/5520(3) Bioinformatics and Genomics.

Neuroscience Upper Division Electives
ECEN 4811(3) Neural Signals and Functional Brain Imaging;IPHY 4720(4) Neurophysiology;IPHY 3720(3) Brain and Behavior;MCDB 4520(3) Bioinformatics and Genomics;NRSC 3005(3) Cognitive Science;NRSC 4011(3) Senior Thesis and Research Ethics;NRSC 4032/5032(3) Neurobiology of Learning and Memory;NRSC 4052/5052(4) Behavioral Neuroscience;NRSC 4132/5132(3) Neuropharmacology;NRSC 4155 Cognitive Neuroscience/Neuropsychology;NRSC 4165(3) Psychology of Perception;NRSC 4175/5175(3) Computational Cognitive Neuroscience;NRSC 4092/5092(3) Behavioral Neuroendocrinology;NEW! NRSC 4545/5545(3) Neurobiology of Addiction;NEW! NRSC 4911(3) Teaching of Neuroscience (prerequisites: instructor consent)