Section 4: Homeostasis and Higher Brain Function

Chapter 5. Limbic System: Hippocampus, Anthony Wright, Ph.D.Introduction to the Limbic System, Hippocampus, Overall Structure of the Hippocampus, Fornix, and Anterior Commissure, Output Pathways of the Hippocampus, Input Pathways of the Hippocampus, Structures and Processes within the Hippocampus, Mechanisms of Hippocampal Function, Test Your Knowledge

Chapter 6. Limbic System: Amygdala, Anthony Wright, Ph.D.Amygdala - General Considerations, Inputs to the Amygdala, Major Output Pathways of the Amygdala, Ventral Amygdalofugal Pathway, More on Function of the Amygdala, Fear Conditioning: An Example of the Role of the Amygdala in Learning

Chapter 7. Learning and Memory, John H. Byrne, Ph.D.Types of Memory, Testing Memory, Localization of Memory, Mechanisms of Memory, Enhancing Memory, Test Your KnowledgeWhat is Language?, Is Language Innate or Learned?, When Did Language Evolve?, Is Language Unique to Humans?, Language Contains Grammar, Disorders of Language: The Aphasias, Modern Framework, Broca Aphasia, Wernicke Aphasia, Conduction Aphasia, Transcortical Aphasia, Global Aphasia, Aphasia Screening, Other Language Areas, Right Hemisphere Involvement in Language, Test Your Knowledge

Chapter 9. Higher Cortical Functions: Association and Executive Processing, Anthony Wright, Ph.D.Posterior Association Area, Contralateral Neglect, Limbic Association Area, Anterior Association Area, Test Your Knowledge

Chapter 10. CNS Aging and Alzheimer's Disease, Jack Waymire, Ph.D.Aging is a Normal Biological Process, Biological Changes in the Absence of Disease in Aging Humans, Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Diagnosis of AD, Diagnosis of Definite AD, Classification of AD, Observations Concerning the Causes (Etiology) of AD, Summary of the Genetics of AF, Role of Risk Factors and the Environment, Test Your KnowledgeBlood Brain Barrier Maintains the Consistency of the Brain's Internal Environment, Molecular Components of Tight Junctions, Transport of Glucose and Amino Acids, Protection of Brain from Blood-borne Neurotoxins and Drugs, Cerebral Metabolism and Blood Flow, Functional Activation of Energy Metabolism, Brain Disorders and MetabolismEpidemiology and Demographics, Types of Brain Injury, Classification, Clinical Presentation, Molecular Mechanisms of Secondary Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Future Directions, Test Your Knowledge

Last modified 13 Sep 2011 7:34 AM by Don C.