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Volkswagen Slogan

VOLK 9512

Louisiana State University of Shreveport


Lav Prabhat


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Volkswagen is a German car manufacturer that has been around for more than eight decades. Since its inception, the company has been known for producing high-quality, reliable vehicles that are affordable for the average person. One of the most recognizable aspects of Volkswagen's branding is its slogan, which has changed over the years but has always been a key part of the company's messaging. In this article, we will take a closer look at Volkswagen's slogan and explore how it has evolved over time.

The first Volkswagen slogan was "Fahrvergnügen," which roughly translates to "driving pleasure" in English. This slogan was used in the 1980s and 1990s and was meant to emphasize the fun and excitement of driving a Volkswagen. At the time, the company was known for producing compact, nimble cars that were enjoyable to drive. The "Fahrvergnügen" slogan was a way to capture that spirit and make it a part of the brand's identity.

In the early 2000s, Volkswagen shifted its focus away from the "Fahrvergnügen" slogan and began using a new slogan: "Drivers Wanted." This slogan was meant to appeal to a younger, hipper audience and position Volkswagen as a brand for people who were passionate about driving. The "Drivers Wanted" campaign featured ads that showed people having fun in their Volkswagen cars and emphasized the idea that driving a Volkswagen was a way to express one's personality and individuality.

In 2007, Volkswagen introduced a new slogan: "Das Auto," which means "the car" in German. This slogan was a way to emphasize the quality and craftsmanship of Volkswagen vehicles. It was also meant to position Volkswagen as a leader in the automotive industry, a company that was synonymous with innovation and excellence....

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Last modified 6 Mar 2023 12:56 PM by Lav P.  
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