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Dog vaccination

DVCI 4210

Arizona State University


Mandira Bhatt


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Course Description

Vaccines are a vital part of your dog’s veterinary care routine, but figuring out which ones they need—and when they need them—can get confusing. And when you add in core vs. noncore vaccines (mandatory shots vs. those recommended by your vet), it can get even more complicated.

When you get those vaccination reminder cards from your vet’s office, you see a list of dog vaccines that your pet is due for. To help you decipher them and understand how often your pet needs which shots, here is a basic dog vaccination schedule chart to follow.

Since understanding your pet’s vaccination needs is important to providing them with the best care, why not take minute to learn the basics of dog vaccinations and their schedules. Dog vaccination schedule

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Last modified 18 Jun 2022 4:39 AM by Mandira B.  
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