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mobile dvr

University of California - Berkeley


icarvisions mobile dvr


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Course Description

Mobile DVR is very important for both personal and commercial vehicles. Mobile DVR not only can assist driver to see blind spots but also can give recorded footage as an evidence for accident and insurance. What's more, most clients use Mobile DVR solution for fleet tracking management on difference kinds of vehicles. It is a perfect solution to save your cost and time.

iCarVisions's Mobile DVR with multi features including GPS tracking ,AC WiFi and live video through 3G/4G. Mobile DVR can support hard disk or ssd storage to store the video data from high resolution cameras. iCarVisions also can provide waterproof Mobile DVR for special vehicles for example fire engineļ¼Œarmored heavy tank,armored heavy tank etc.


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Last modified 28 Apr 2022 1:29 AM by icarvisions m.  
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