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September 18, 2022

The world has changed.

The successful implementation of Bitcoin prompted many programmers to develop similar
Posted by      Ted Novack at 12:16 AM AEST | Comments (38)
Tags: nft
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Posted on Sun, 20 Oct 2024 7:22 PM AEST by Master Point

February 13, 2022

Hvordan gjenopprette menns helse!

Menn er den stærke halvdelen af menneskeheden. De kan diskutere mye, men å snakke om helseproblemer, spesielt på den seksuelle sfæren, er tabu. Mange tror at det er uakseptabelt å fortelle selv en lege at du ikke kan oppnå ereksjon og opprettholde den.

Tross alt regnes en manns evne til å gjennomføre et fullverdig samleie som en af egenskapene til representantene for det sterkere kjønn.

Imidlertid er er erektil dysfunksjon, nemlig manglende evne til å oppnå en ereksjon og/eller opprettholde den på et niveau som er tilstrekkelig for samleie, et alvorlig medisinskie problem.

Det krever en integrert tilnærming.

Spesielle preparater som øker testosteronnivået i blodet, øker libido og utholdenhet.

Slike piller bidrager til å forbedre kvaliteten på sædceller, funksjonen til gonadene, immunsystemet, stimulere en ereksjon, gjenopprette hormonbalansen og seksuell potens.

Det øker også styrken, og bidrager også til at aktivere spermatogenese og forbedre ereksjonen.

Legemidlet bidrager til å beskytte blodårene, forbedre mikrosirkulasjonen. Stoffer som er i dette præparatet bidrager til å øke fysisk og mental ytelse, toner, forårsaker ikke overeksitasjon og søvnløshet.

Dermed vil den optimalt valgte sammensetningen af dette stofet hjelpe menn med å gjenopprette seksuell funksjon og få mest mulig ut av sex, noe som betyr å gjenopprette troen på seg selv.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 1:27 AM AEST | Comments (19)
Tags: men
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  Anna bella  says:
crossy road does not have fixed levels like many other games; instead, players just need to try to go as far as possible to score high and surpass their own or their friends' achievements.
Posted on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 12:40 PM AEST by Anna bella
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In Sprunki 1996, It revolutionizes arcade racing through its unique blend of challenging tracks and deep customization options. The game features an array of period-specific vehicles and parts, each bringing new performance elements to enhance your racing experience.
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Regular health checkups and open communication with medical professionals are essential for men's wellbeing. Just try Sprunki Retake New Human and Sprunki Grown Up for relax.
Posted on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 8:26 AM AEST by sprunksters sprunki

December 6, 2021

Wann sollte Erste Hilfe geleistet werden?

Es gibt eine Liste von Erkrankungen, die Erste Hilfe erfordern (erste hilfe kurs führerschein münchen), darunter

Atem- und Kreislaufstillstand;
äu�ere Blutungen;
Fremdkörper im oberen Respirationstrakt;
Verletzungen an verschiedenen Körperstellen;
Verbrennungen, andere Auswirkungen von hohen Temperaturen und Wärmestrahlung;
Erfrierungen und andere Auswirkungen von niedrigen Temperaturen;

Erste-Hilfe-Algorithmus: Wo soll man anfangen und was soll man tun?

Das russische Ministerium für Notfallsituationen hat einen Algorithmus für Erste-Hilfe-Ma�nahmen entwickelt. Die Liste umfasst die folgenden Aktivitäten:

1. die Situation einschätzen und eine sichere Umgebung für die Erste Hilfe schaffen (weitere Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie im Erste-Hilfe Kurs München Hauptbahnhof

1.1 Rufen Sie einen Krankenwagen und andere Spezialdienste, deren Personal für die Erste Hilfe benötigt wird.

2 Stellen Sie fest, ob das Opfer bei Bewusstsein ist.

3. Stellen Sie die Durchgängigkeit der Atemwege wieder her und stellen Sie fest, ob sie/er noch am Leben ist:

Kopf nach hinten neigen, Kinn nach oben;
bringen Sie den Unterkiefer nach vorne;
Stellen Sie durch Hören, Sehen und Tasten fest, ob sie atmet;
Feststellen, ob ein Kreislauf vorhanden ist: Puls an den Hauptarterien prüfen;
falls erforderlich, Ma�nahmen zur Befreiung der Atemwege von Fremdkörpern durchführen.

4. kardiopulmonale Wiederbelebungsma�nahmen durchführen, bis Lebenszeichen auftreten.

5. die Ma�nahmen zur Unterstützung der Atemwege durchführen:

6. Durchführung einer Unfalluntersuchung und von Ma�nahmen zur vorübergehenden Stillung externer Blutungen.

7. Untersuchen Sie das Unfallopfer auf Anzeichen von Verletzungen, Vergiftungen und anderen lebensbedrohlichen Zuständen und führen Sie Erste-Hilfe-Ma�nahmen durch.

8. Optimale Körperpositionierung der verletzten Person.

9. �berwachen Sie den Zustand des Opfers (Bewusstsein, Atmung, Kreislauf) und leisten Sie psychologische Unterstützung, bis der Krankenwagen eintrifft.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 3:44 AM AEST | Comments (40)
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  time line  says:
The spins around in the wheel spinner will help you relax after stressful hours.
Posted on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 6:58 PM AEST by time line
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December 4, 2021

Parties and Ways to Invite

The American world is rich with parties to have fun at, so most likely there will be only chips, guacamole with salsa and crackers on the tables.

To get the best out of your party, it's a good idea to bring your own alcohol, wine, or a drink box. Everyone brings what they want to eat at the event. If the party is thrown by children, they drink juice.

American wedding traditions and upcoming customs call for a Bridal shower. Literally it translates as "a shower for the bride" of gifts presented by family, relatives and friends.

Pregnancy celebrations are held in a special way. Going to throw a party in English, you should know that it is held "in three acts:

Pregnancy reveal party in honor of the discovery of the fact of pregnancy itself;
A baby shower party is held in the last months;
The Gender reveal party is held to intrigue guests about the sex of the baby.
It is worth mentioning that American traditions, contrary to the Russian ones, welcome presenting mums-to-be with baby clothes, sex planning, as well as choosing a name and everything that superstitious Russian women prefer not to do beforehand. Such a formation of entertainment principles is due to the fact that Americans are very positive people and it is not customary for them to be sad.

English-language party dioramas
An American-style party is unthinkable without its food and informal dress code. Some events involve special costumes. For example, school balls or masquerades, corporate parties. In other cases, the style of dress is determined by the venue and the hosts themselves.

American traditions and holidays mean that you should rejoice as much as possible. Moving house, getting a new job, finally finishing your fence and guessing the sex of your unborn child are all good reasons to celebrate, along with Christmas and International Women's Day. Invitations for such holidays can be such as christmas flyer templates So don't be surprised if you're invited to participate in a foam party to celebrate the name for the new dog - Americans are a lot of fun! Just practice your speech and stock up on a few useful phrases so you're sure to blend in.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 9:13 PM AEST | Comments (21)
Tags: flyers
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Posted on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 3:12 PM AEST by Dawid watsan
  Sarah Cortez  says:
Planning parties and finding creative ways to invite guests can be an exciting process, just like playing moto x3m where every level presents a new challenge. Whether you're sending out fun invitations or navigating tricky in-game obstacles, both require attention to detail and a bit of creativity.
Posted on Thu, 3 Oct 2024 4:28 PM AEST by Sarah Cortez
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Posted on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 7:00 PM AEST by time line

November 17, 2021


Money comes in many forms, but at the moment the most common type of money is fiat money.

They are called fiduciary or paper money, or token money, or unsecured money.

All these are the same national currencies: rubles, dollars, euros, tenge and other papers, issued by central banks of different countries.

Cryptocurrency is an alternative to fiat money. It is backed by the same belief in itself as fiat money. But unlike fiat money, its value does not directly depend on the policies of a particular state.
Therefore, given that faith in state institutions in the world right now is weak, many people are running away from fiat money and investing it in crypto.

Also, unlike regular money - cryptocurrency is both money and payment system in one bottle. Kind of like Visa or Mastercard, but also money.

Therefore, crypto does not need an intermediary to transfer funds, which can be very advantageous, especially for international transfers.

Nevertheless, the value of cryptocurrency now is more speculative and does not reflect the real situation. But answering the question: Is cryptocurrency money? I can say - yes, definitely. But only in those countries, where you can buy goods and services from crypto-currencies without problems with the law, for example, Japan, Europe, USA.

There are a lot of types of cryptocurrencies, with their pros and cons.
We learned that blockchain is a distributed registry in which data can be stored securely. For example, cryptocurrency transaction data.

Basically, blockchain is the basis on which you can build. You and I know that you can store other data, too. For example, tokens.

A token is a sign, a symbol, a token.

A token is just a unit of record, a set of numbers stored in a blockchain. And you need a token to reflect your digital balance about an asset.

That is, it is a record that you own something and in what amount. In other words, a token is a kind of analogue of securities in the digital world.

A token is like a document signed by a notary, only instead of a document, we get a record in a blockchain cell, and instead of a notary, we get smart contracts.

So with tokens and smart contracts, you can digitize any valuables of the material world and trade them in cryptocurrency. You can tokenize art, for which there are non-interchangeable tokens or NFTs.

You can tokenize your social network profile and give it back to yourself. Or even your tweets, as Twitter founder Jack Dorsey did and sold his first tweet for $2.9 million.

And how are tokens and blockchain taking off when gaming platforms take over. Gaming funnies turn into real assets... See how it works on the website

If blockchain is the basis for building a digital world, tokens are bricks that, unlike paper, cannot be forged.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 11:22 PM AEST | Comments (18)
Tags: token
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  Sarah Cortez  says:
Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the way we think about money and transactions, offering a decentralized and secure method of exchange. Itâ??s fascinating to see how this technology continues to evolve, much like the daily challenge of solving puzzles in wordle unlimited, where every move could change the outcome.
Posted on Wed, 28 Aug 2024 11:21 AM AEST by Sarah Cortez
  kevin david  says:
Cryptocurrency represents a fascinating shift in how we think about money, especially in a world where trust in traditional financial systems is waning. As more people turn to alternatives like Bitcoin and Ethereum, it's interesting to see how this shift parallels trends in other areas, like gaming. For example, if you're looking for a fun way to challenge your mind, try out the 3 letter wordle unlimited game. Itâ??s a great way to engage your brain while exploring the broader implications of new monetary systems. Want to give it a go? Play now!
Posted on Mon, 4 Nov 2024 3:51 AM AEST by kevin david
  Raleigh Kozey  says:
This discussion on fiat versus cryptocurrency is timely, especially as many people are looking for alternatives amidst economic uncertainty. Just like in the game Bitlife , where you manage resources and make financial decisions, learning how to navigate between traditional and digital currencies can enhance our financial literacy
Posted on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 5:07 PM AEST by Raleigh Kozey

November 10, 2021

How to become a copywriter

The profession of a copywriter exists within the framework of the Internet space, which is developing very rapidly, so it is not surprising that the profession itself has been modernized many times. If 5 years ago you could enter the career with a good level of literacy and knowledge of the language, today it is not enough for the employers.

What copywriters know and can do in 2021:

SEO optimization, at least at a basic level. A professional should know how relevant keywords are selected and distributed in the text.
Understanding of CA. In order for the material to perform the task of business, it should not be written for the abstract, but for a very specific reader, with an understanding of the problems and requests. The author needs to learn to think like his reader, to communicate with him in the same language.
The basics of advertising, PR, psychology. Again, the author must understand which approach and which marketing techniques to use in each specific case, so that they work on the target users.
The ability to work with multimedia, such as images, banners, tables, infographics, presentations.

Now you have an understanding of what skills you need to start a career as a copywriter.
The best way into your career today is to take specialized courses or trainings.

Self-training is also an option. You can find a lot of training articles, books, and guides in the public domain.

Most copywriters get their first orders and real experience with clients on freelance exchanges. And essay writing services like for admission are also popular.

Therefore, after getting the first experience, it is better to move to direct cooperation with customers or work for a company. This will provide a more stable income and work schedule. From the start, pay attention to creating an image profile, build a competent relationship with all customers, respect their time, and then new customers will come to you with word of mouth.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 12:27 AM AEST | Comments (42)
Tags: copiwriting
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  Karen Malik  says:
wordle is an excellent activity for families, providing a way for members of all ages to bond over a shared challenge. Parents and children can work together to guess the daily word, fostering teamwork and communication skills while enjoying quality time together.
Posted on Mon, 23 Sep 2024 2:22 PM AEST by Karen Malik
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Posted on Sun, 6 Oct 2024 7:08 AM AEST by Seo Service

November 1, 2021

What is the amount of tax for watching TV in European countries.

Every family in European countries is obliged to pay a tax for the right to watch television. This is a "tax for democracy": a taxpayer-funded television will provide independent information to the people. The amount of tax and penalties for non-payment vary from country to country.

The most ruthless is a tax in Germany where all households must pay. The amount of tax is 215,76 euros per year. It is useless to prove that you do not have a TV set and do not watch TV. The same system of total payment was introduced in Switzerland in 1918. The amount of tax is 385 Euro per year. It is even simpler in Finland where the tax is taken from all inhabitants over 18 years old at the rate of 0,68% of the income.

For whistleblowing to the neighbors (reporting a violation of the law) is a bonus.
The most severe penalties for non-payment of the TV tax in the UK. The amount of tax is 215,76 Euros per year. Here you can still realistically prove that you do not watch TV and do not pay tax. Proof must be provided annually. Extraordinary proof must be provided if there is a complaint from the inspector or from the neighbors. About 150,000 "TV tax evaders" are identified each year.

If you evade the TV tax, you will be fined up to 1000 euros. If you don't pay the fine on time, you go to jail. Up to 50 people are jailed every year for evading the TV tax.

If you have a black and white TV set then the TV tax is 52 euros which is why about 5 thousand of Britons still watch black and white TV sets.

The high taxes in the European countries are compensated by a loyal punitive system. If you said that you do not have a TV set they will believe you. If you bought a new TV they will believe you.

In Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, as well as in Russia there is no tax on television, but the state subsidizes TV channels.

The overview of other types of taxes allows you to decide which country you like more and where you want to live.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 7:49 AM AEST | Comments (8)
Tags: taxes
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  Debra Mccormick  says:
Experience the excitement of legal online casinos worldwide. In the heart of Bangladesh, platforms like JackpotCity BD provide thrilling gaming opportunities for enthusiasts. With traditional casinos limited, JackpotCity BD offers a convenient and accessible way for players to enjoy their favorite games from the comfort of home.
Posted on Thu, 7 Mar 2024 9:00 AM AEST by Debra Mccormick
  Lane Jancy  says:
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Posted on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 11:57 AM AEST by Lane Jancy
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Posted on Thu, 16 May 2024 7:27 PM AEST by fnaf miszi

October 23, 2021

Who brings gifts at Christmas?

Every country has its own traditions of celebrating New Year's Eve and Christmas. But did you know that in Finland it is not our favorite Santa Claus who brings presents to children, but old man Joelupukki.

We will tell you how the main character of the Christmas holidays looks like in different parts of the world.

Santa Claus (Russia)
Santa Claus is depicted as an old man in a colored - blue, blue, red fur coat, with a long white beard. In his hands he holds a crystal staff with a bull's head, a symbol of fertility and happiness. He harnesses three snow-white horses into a painted sleigh. Often comes with his granddaughter, Snegurochka. Also Santa Claus is often accompanied by different forest animals.

Santa Claus (United States, Canada, Australia, Western Europe)
Probably the best known character to us is Santa. We all know him from American movies. He is a kind plump old man who lives at the North Pole, surrounded by elves and reindeer. On Christmas night, Santa harnesses his sleigh and flies around the world to give presents to obedient children. He enters the house through the chimney and places presents under the Christmas tree or in socks over the fireplace. He is dressed in a red short jacket and has a red cap on his head. The white bushy beard and glasses are the usual attributes of Santa Claus.

No matter what country you live in, everyone loves presents. And relatives and clients and even executives. If you want to please your customers before the holidays, make a presentation for them
Posted by      Ted Novack at 5:18 PM AEST | Comments (10)
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  Ayaan Aress  says:
Microsoft also plays a vital role in app development for Windows devices, creating a unique and consistent user experience across PCs, tablets, and smartphones. The development of Windows Store apps has led to a growing ecosystem of applications designed for Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Posted on Fri, 20 Oct 2023 8:38 PM AEST by Ayaan Aress

October 22, 2021

How to manage everything and not get tired

In order to invest your time and energy effectively, you must learn to distribute the load and shift your attention from one area to another according to which one is more important and relevant to you.

When planning your day, write down all current issues according to their importance and urgency, and assess which of them you can delegate, which you can postpone, and which you need to take up immediately. This will help you save time and effort. And one more important point: when you make a schedule for the day, be sure to leave free "windows" for unexpected tasks and allocate time for rest, lunch, a walk, sports. You can use notepads or planners. No one can do without them. It's just like a cook has to have recipes written down. Maybe it will be written on a scrap of paper or maybe on a nice template
This will help you manage everything without being overwhelmed.

Avoid time eaters.
There are several of the most common types of chronophages, or time sinks.
Interrupting events (phone calls, visits, emails or messenger messages that need to be urgently answered) can help you cope with them, firstly, by training your will, and secondly, by organizing your work clearly. Teach yourself not to be distracted by random stimuli, and continue to solve the task at hand. Turn off the sound on your phone, don't check your email, put a "I'm busy" sign on your desk.
Waste time (in line, in a meeting where you are required to attend by duty). Take your laptop with you to the places where you are present so you can work while you wait your turn.
To avoid wasting work time chatting with colleagues, friends or on social media, set aside a special time during the day for this.
In addition to all of the above, our time is stolen by the inability to clearly set tasks, ineffective planning of the day, lack of priorities and unrealistic assessment of our own capabilities. In other words, the main time saver is the inability to manage this time. Once you begin to practice the secrets of time management, you will find that 24 hours a day is enough for everything: to work, to rest, to solve current household problems and to move step by step to achieve your global life goals.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 8:02 PM AEST | Comments (8)
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Posted on Thu, 15 Dec 2022 4:53 PM AEST by ducklife hary
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Posted on Thu, 6 Apr 2023 1:27 PM AEST by time line
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Posted on Thu, 6 Apr 2023 1:30 PM AEST by time line

June 8, 2021

Types of brochure

All brochures by subject matter can be divided into:

Information brochures. This can include social advertising materials, medical or environmental brochures.
Advertising brochures. Promote a product or service, such as a tourist brochure or a narrower topic hotel brochure.
Business information brochures. This can be a business brochure or a corporate brochure that provides information about a specific company, such as a construction company brochure.
Information brochures in social advertising
Today, so-called environmental brochures are widespread. They are a type of social advertising: the brochures may contain articles on the prevention of forest fires, energy, heat and water conservation.

Information brochures are most often ordered by certain government agencies and contain socially useful information. For example, the Ministry of Health and Social Development distributes medical brochures on the dangers of smoking, the consequences of alcoholism, the prevention of diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and how to provide first aid. The Fire Safety Service and the traffic police order brochures on fire safety and road safety.

Advertising and advertising-business brochures
It must be said that each type of brochure is an advertising and multifaceted tool, which is created for specific purposes and is designed for a particular target audience. For example, brochures with a description of the product or services are distributed among partners, dealers or customers of the company (a typical example is a brochure of a construction company with pictures of completed projects and floor plans of buildings). In this case, it is necessary to pay more attention to the images and comments to them.

A corporate brochure is ideal as advertising material. Such printed products can be handed out to potential partners during business negotiations, presentations or promotions.

A brochure about the company, being a kind of business card, should contain the most complete information about the company, able to interest outsiders. That means it must be of very high quality, including the design and content it contains.

That is why, for example, for printing brochures of construction companies or other commercial enterprises, which use clear high-quality photos or images, choose expensive coated paper, and the design and layout are developed in the corporate style.

A tourist brochure is a typical advertising tool. It, like a more narrowly focused hotel brochure, must contain such photos and texts that the potential consumer of services wants to buy the product offered immediately.

Text or graphics?
Everyone understands that a tourist or hotel brochure must have bright and beautiful pictures, clearly demonstrating the services offered. But should business brochures be enriched with images, graphics and diagrams? Of course you should! Even the business text, which is designed for people who are well-informed in a particular area, should be provided with illustrations for clarity.

It is also a good idea to provide charts, graphs or diagrams, which will allow you to see the dynamics, facilitate the perception of information and accelerate its memorization.
As for the text, it should be interesting and fascinating. This applies not only to articles, but also to descriptions or comments to photos or images. Especially if you need brochures as advertising for a product, service or company.

Brochure is good, but there is another type of printing products that will help you in your business. This is an event template flyer free that you can use for any event
Posted by      Ted Novack at 1:14 PM AEST | Comments (14)
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  patrick rall  says:
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Posted on Tue, 3 Jan 2023 4:06 PM AEST by patrick rall
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Posted on Fri, 2 Jun 2023 7:29 PM AEST by tonny ken
  pihu sharma  says:
Posted on Thu, 3 Oct 2024 2:56 AM AEST by pihu sharma

May 13, 2021

Tips for those who want to fix their own cars

1. Buy yourself a very old car
The best way to learn how to repair cars is to study their structure. Especially if you are young and don't have extra money to repair your car. Ideal.

Many excellent craftsmen didn't know how to change oil or plugs until they were in their twenties. But then they would buy a car that was older than themselves and start rebuilding it, thus learning the art.

Ask your friends, your father, your grandfather for advice. Learn the basics. Change oil, plugs, air filters, look through technical documentation and everything will go like clockwork. A rust bucket will help you fall in love with cars and understand how to take care of them.

2. Buy a set of tools
You can't unscrew nuts by hand, especially if they've been rusted for ten years. Go to the store and splurge on a good set of tools.

If you don't have any money at all, you can go to FixPrice and see something there, but don't count on the long life of such tools. I recommend investing 3-4 thousand right away and buying a good, branded set.

3. Buy a repair manual

Very useful stuff. A step-by-step repair manual for your car will help you sort out any problem. They are not expensive, and if you are ready to read from the screen, you can even download one for free like this on the Internet . Such books will save you a lot of time and effort.

4. Read books

Buy or download a few books on mechanics and electronics. After reading them, you'll have a much better understanding of how your car works. Once you figure it out, repairs will no longer be a problem for you.

5. Help your friends

Did a friend's car break down? Hurry up and help him. You'll gain invaluable experience and establish yourself. Besides, if you ever have something broken, your friend will come to your aid more willingly.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 6:37 AM AEST | Comments (8)
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  Orval Pratt  says:
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Posted on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 1:12 AM AEST by Orval Pratt

May 5, 2021

Pocket money: just for fun or payment for household chores

Kindergarteners should be taught what money is, its denomination, and elementary ways to use it. You can play themed games.

Younger schoolchildren will be fine with stories about the types of money, currency and the rules of family budget planning or money management lessons for kids

It will be useful for middle school students to learn about the most common financial instruments used by their parents (deposits, loans, bank cards), and for older students - about interest rates, passive income from investments, types of fraud, legal provisions and rights, the nuances of credit agreements, and more.

Psychologists unanimously say that a child should have pocket money. Otherwise, how else can you learn to spend, save, and distribute it properly? But giving your son or daughter cash should be done wisely: start with small amounts, show how you can dispose of the cash.

With the beginning of schooling comes the need to give your child money. And this is when responsibility begins to form. Somewhere from 2-3 classes you can set the amount of pocket money, the first small amount - $10-20 that the child can spend at his discretion. Connect it gradually to small purchases in the store. You can also ask for pocket money to buy lost pens, pencils, rulers. Show different ways how you can dispose of the amount: spend it on extra cakes in the dining room, ride to school or club transportation when you are late, put it aside for a new toy, partially pay for the phone, etc.

The teenager can already be involved in understanding the family budget. Talk about mandatory items of expenditure: food, transportation, rent, etc. And offer to think about what you can buy for the remaining amount of what the child needs (clothes, shoes, hobby items). You can also connect to family decisions. For example, offer to plan a weekend camping trip for the family for a certain amount of money.

The question parents worry about is: to give cash for nothing or for something? Often parents practice rewarding for doing household chores. If you did the dishes, took out the trash, did homework on time, you get cash. But is it the right thing to do?

Psychologists say:

"Giving the child money, setting the amount of out-of-pocket expenses, do not dare to link it directly to household chores. After all, we clean the apartment or feed the cat, not because someone will pay us for it, but out of concern for our loved ones and a desire to create a comfortable space to live in. And when we start paying a child to do this, we teach to make money out of our relatives, monetize care and comfort, and destroy the value system of intra-family bonding".
Posted by      Ted Novack at 1:02 PM AEST | Comments (5)
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  fnaf miszi  says:
fnaf security breach game is a survival horror game set in the Mega Pizzaplex by Freddy Fazbear. You will play as Gregory, a boy trapped inside all night. You must survive while searching for a way out when the surprisingly powerful Pizzaplex lockout takes effect.
Posted on Thu, 15 Dec 2022 4:58 PM AEST by fnaf miszi
  Hailey Nelson  says:
Beyond its engaging gameplay and polished mechanics, basketball stars fosters a vibrant and active community of players from around the world. Whether you're teaming up with friends in multiplayer matches or competing against rivals in global tournaments, the game provides ample opportunities for social interaction and friendly competition.
Posted on Mon, 26 Feb 2024 4:59 PM AEST by Hailey Nelson
  Dorthy Summers  says:
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Posted on Sun, 19 May 2024 7:44 AM AEST by Dorthy Summers

April 15, 2021

World Rock Hits

Many artists have songs that have not become very popular in their homeland. But they became very popular in other countries. I suggest you read about these songs and listen to them here

The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

In the late '60s, this megahit became a real bone of contention among the Liverpool Four. On the wave of the popularity of Jamaican music, McCartney was burning with the desire to write his own ska song.

The other members of the legendary quartet did not share his enthusiasm, and Lennon hated the song, called it crap and broke the record. But Paul stuck to his line, and the song was not only recorded, but also released as a single.

It was never released in the States or Britain, being considered too frivolous and not fitting the band's serious ambitions. The composition easily won the leading positions in the world charts, and with it the derision of British journalists. In 1976 in the US it was released as a single, and made it into the top 50 of the Bllboard.

Already in the XXI century the song was several times "awarded" in the lists of the worst songs of The Beatles according to the American and British music magazines.

Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On

This song, written back in 1972, was a fairly ordinary piece and didn't have the passion that Cocker's version of it would endow in the future. In 1986, Joe re-recorded it for the soundtrack to the movie 9 1/2 Weeks. By then, the English veteran was not experiencing his best years.

At home, the peak of his popularity had long passed: he had shot in the late '60s and early '70s and quickly reoriented himself to the American market, where he was in demand for the next decade. By the mid-80s, Joe had become a rare guest in the American charts as well.

Neither on the Cocker album, nor on the soundtrack to You Can Leave Your Hat On, was the song the lead single. In the native England it was not noticed at all and hardly ever aired, in the States it was a success, but very modest, but in continental Europe the song became a real hit.

Especially exciting for the fans was the video clip with exciting scenes from the movie. The song quickly conquered the charts in Germany, Austria and France and settled in the playlists of strip clubs forever.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 12:31 AM AEST | Comments (11)
Tags: music, rock
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  tani yuki  says:
i love it. tiny fishing it was released as a single, and made it into the top 50 of the Bllboard.
Posted on Wed, 26 Jul 2023 4:48 PM AEST by tani yuki
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Posted on Wed, 21 Feb 2024 4:09 AM AEST by fundamentals toys
  Aamlye oliva  says:
Posted on Tue, 25 Jun 2024 4:01 PM AEST by Aamlye oliva

March 23, 2021

Sex toys: why you need them

The first reason is trivial: pleasure. This is especially true for women who find it difficult to achieve orgasm without strong clitoral stimulation, and men who tend to come to the finish line too quickly.

The second reason is also not particularly original. Sex toys bring variety to the life of single people. Of course, they will not be able to completely replace a living person (although manufacturers of sex robots are working in this direction), but they will definitely brighten up the gray everyday life.

The same goes for people who have been in a relationship for a long time. A little variety in sex will only refresh the union. Often they also use for a change online sex webcam

How to choose sex toys
A beginner can get confused in the world of sex toys. Therefore, the optimal solution for the start is to decide which zone and which type of stimulation are most interesting for you, and choose the simplest model. In a rush to buy a multifunctional and expensive device, you risk wasting money. Start with the basics. After that, it will become clear where to move next and whether you need it at all.
User reviews are also a good hint. They will help you get a better idea of â??â??your future purchase. You can see how to use some toys on live sex chat

It is believed that the best devices are made of non-porous materials: silicone, glass and stainless steel. Their structure prevents bacteria from entering. For owners, this means ease of maintenance, safety and long-term use.
First, talk to your partner about using these devices. Be tactful so that he does not suspect that you are horribly dissatisfied with your sex life.

Before putting the device into the general game, test it yourself. A bad first impression can permanently discourage you from trying again.

In any case, it is better to start using the toy gently and carefully. At first, it is especially important to have feedback in order to find the best application.
Read the instructions before use. So the risk of all sorts of excesses will be significantly reduced.
Remember the rules of hygiene. Always wash your hands before and after using toys. The toys themselves also need to be washed (preferably with antibacterial soap) and stored in a clean place. Some devices require special cleaning, so do not forget about the first point.
It is better to dry toys in an open way. If you don't have this option, use a towel. But before you hide the devices, make sure every detail and every nook and cranny is dry.
Try to use condoms. Especially if your toy is porous. Otherwise, you can reward yourself with some kind of disease.

Do not use the same toy for anal and then immediately for vaginal penetration (and vice versa). There is a serious risk of getting an infection. However, condoms can solve this problem.

If you are using intimate lubricants, remember that water-based lubricants are suitable for silicone products. Other lubricants can damage the toy. By the way, it is better to test the lubricant itself on the skin first and make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction in you.
Posted by      Ted Novack at 9:26 AM AEST | Comments (4)
Tags: men, relations
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Posted on Fri, 23 Feb 2024 5:15 PM AEST by Sanaa Hanaa
  Lucy Chow  says:
Expensive lesbian sex dolls provide a more immersive and realistic experience, offering enhanced satisfaction, whereas cheaper options may feel less authentic and may not meet the same expectations.
Posted on Tue, 10 Sep 2024 5:38 PM AEST by Lucy Chow

February 10, 2021

I am new to investing. First steps

Investing might seem complex, but taking a little time to learn about it can really pay off. It's one of the best ways to meet your financial goals.

You don�??t need to be rich or work on Wall Street to start investing. In fact, the sooner you start investing, the better: You want to maximize your time in the market to reap the returns.
Risk tolerance is the amount of risk an investor is willing to take with their money.

Investing might seem complex, but taking a small time to memorise about it can really pay off. It's one of the best ways to meet your financial goals. You don? ?t necessity to be wealthy or work on Wall Str to start investing . In fact, the sooner you start investing, the better : You wish to maximize your time in the market to reap the returns Risk tolerance is the quantity of risk an investor is willing to get with their money. What's Your consolation level with losing money in riskier investments? There are many investment strategies for you to pick . Examine them and select two to three options that appeal to you. You can read about s hyips on

Discover Investment Opportunities that Allow Solid Returns You wish to discover investment options that work for you and allow solid returns. When you? ?re investing in the stock market, choosing to invest in funds can be a ordinary way to reap solid returns, particularly when compared to purchasing individual stocks or day trading Buying individual stocks or day trading is distant more challenging to construct a diversified portfolio and project potential returns. Your beginner? ?south guide takeaway A circular up of four key things to recollect Rescue up an emergency fund of three to 6-months? ? worth of living costs before you invest Think about starting tiny and watching your investment to look how it goes Be prepared not to touch your investment for at least five years
Posted by      Ted Novack at 5:35 AM AEST | Comments (28)
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  Dr FarFar  says:
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Posted on Tue, 27 Aug 2024 7:32 PM AEST by Elias Lindqvist

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