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Introduction to Database Management System

The database management system is a software application used to create manage and administer the databases the database management system is commonly abbreviated as DBMS some of the most commonly used database management systems include mysql oracle microsoft SQL server and there are many such popular DBMS software available in the market .

In order to understand the database management system we need to first understand the meaning of terms data and the database.

Let us first discuss what is data the data is the most important element of any DBMS and therefore it is important to understand the meaning of term data the term data in the context of DBMS indicates any facts figures observations images or any such similar things that can be recorded and then digitally processed.

The data must be recordable so that the raw data can be processed with the help of a computer system and the data processing software.

Let us consider one example of data for an employee database the data pertaining to an employee might include name date of birth address designation salary and so on let us now discuss the meaning of term database.

The database in simple terms is the organized collection of interrelated data that can be efficiently stored access to manipulate the database offers many advantages and the most efficient way of storing and organizing the data the database is an important element of most software applications designed to store access and process the data with the help of any DBMS software application.

Let us now discuss what is a database management system the term DBMS stands for database management system which is a software designed to perform various database operations the database operations performed by the DBMS includes creating new databases administering managing and manipulating the databases.

The database manipulation operations includes creating new database modifying the tables adding and deleting the data in the table and other such user specified database operations the DBMS internally might consist of group of programs each of these program performs a different task related to the database management.

Some of the most commonly used DBMS includes MySQL extensively used for web applications oracle Microsoft SQL server IBM db2 Microsoft Access mariya DB MongoDB Post get SQL and there are many more DBMS available in the market.

The DBMS also provides the necessary tools required for the design and the development of databases the database management system is a vital component of most of the software applications whether you are working on an enterprise software development project or you may be developing a small website the database design and development skills are needed in almost all software applications and therefore the DBMS knowledge is important for programmers and software developers.

The database management system internally makes use of database query language such as SQL the SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

The SQL is standard database query language supported by almost all DBMS based on the relational model it is a database query language SQL used by the software applications to communicate with the database management system.

The DBMS in turn communicates with the database and performs the desired database operation the database is managed by the DBMS which actually stores the data the software professionals with DBMS skills are the highest paid professionals in the job market.

That brings us to the end of this article and in this tutorial we have discussed what is a database management system. Please visit to learn more computer science and technology tutorials.

Last modified 9 Nov 2020 6:05 AM by prayas c.  
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